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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by Chisox378

  1. Alonso before this season put together some ok years. His k to walk was decent, decent average, and ok power. But even before this year, he was strictly batting against righties, he wasnt a full time player, other teams saw that. We didnt see that, and paid him like a full time player.  

  2. Great manager, I love Ricky. My guess is someone from above is controlling him and alot of decisions and telling him to have an attitude of "who cares right now, we can get a better draft pick if we lose." That person should be fired. Ricky needs to take control of his team and stand up for them, and start managing like he wants to win.

  3. One summer day when I was 8 to 10 years old, I was coming back from a baseball game in my uniform and happened to drive past a parking lot near Midway Airport. In that parking lot there was a bus, where it seemed to be many above average sized men in suits getting off the bus. So we checked it out and it happened to be the White Sox players! Luckily I had my semi worn baseball glove with me, so I pulled it out and started to get the players autographs.  Frank Thomas, Robin Ventura, Lance Johnson and other players were scattered around me while I got their autograph and said a few words to them. I still have that signed glove to this day. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, greg775 said:

    Actually this is good by baseball standards. This is the modern strategy. Homer or K. Nothing in between is wise according to advanced stats. I mean I guess a triple would be acceptable (ball that doesn't quite escape the yard).

    This is not what good baseball teams do. Selfish teams, maybe, but not good ones. Steverson can hit the road. Way too many games we have 15 ks to 1 bb.

  5. 7 hours ago, DirtySox said:

    Reading these game-threads after the fact sure is a trip. It's like half of you have amnesia and are just discovering that the starting pitching is utter trash other than Giolito. Games like this are the norm when 4/5 of your rotation is flotsam. Expect plenty more of this the rest of the season when someone other than Gio is on the slate. There is nothing in Charlotte other than Cease and retreads like Detwiler.

    This was always going to be another rebuilding season, especially after the TJ plague hit the pitching crop. Props to the folks in this thread who are level-headed and have quality contributions and make it fun to read despite the swell of shit-posts. You know who you are.

    You sound like Sox management.  If we don't have an attitude of winning now, what makes you think 3 years from now will be any different. You will be posting the same post. Changes have to be made now.

    Maybe the Sox are too cheap and don't want to spend the money on bringing up a bunch of guys from AAA like Detwiller because it will cost them. They would rather lose.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, harkness99 said:

    Yeah.. reality check.


    Can't win mlb baseball games with no starting pitching and a thing ass bullpen.

    And a team with players that set team mlb record for strikeouts last season.

    So tired of our players hacking at shit pitches... we do it way worse than anyone we play against.

    It's infuriating.

    This...  15 ks to 1 bb today for our batters. This happens way too often. Steverson should be looked at.

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