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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by Chisox378

  1. 3 minutes ago, Baron said:

    They might not be trying to lose but apparently they don't care either way. Otherwise they'd be doing everything in their power to fix the starting staff. Seems they are content with riding the bad to another top 5 draft pick. 

    I don't expect them to make stupid moves at this point but it really looks like they could care less, and that is not good, we still have to be and play respectable.

  2. Jon Jay is not a #6 hitter....ever (unless its a college team.) He has 36 total HR in 10 years in the Bigs. He is a contact hitter and should be batting 1,2,8,or 9.

    Why is Collins catching v.s. a team like Boston, let him hit DH.

    Our lineups are thrown together not for the sake of winning but just for testing or something, c'mon already.

    Ok maybe Im a little too harsh......???

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    I'll have what this guy is drinking! 😃 Obviously this comment that he posted was made in jest.

    We are 5 games back of the Wild Card, its still not the All Star Break. No Joke! 😃

  4. 3 minutes ago, OneDog847 said:

    Absolutely no point for this guy on a tanking team like the Sox in late June. Keep giving the playing time to Tilson or bring up Palka.

    How can we tank when we are going to win the wild card?!?! (or division!?!?!)

  5. Yes sorry Jon, is there a way to fix it? 

    Jon is a contact batter and a clubhouse leader, lets see what he can do.

    Who will be sent down, Tilson or Cordell or someone else?

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