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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by Chisox378

  1. I went to a game a while back and was sitting sort of near the foul pole but back a bit. Netting wouldnt have stopped this ball that went zooming bounced once on walkway and hit drunk guy right on the face, splitting hit cheek. He thought he could catch it, but had no chance. So everyone has to pay attention no matter what.

    I do like the netting though, more safety the better, more people will be willing to bring younger children to the park and sit closer. I do wonder how this will affect the game, and it will affect the game. Players wont have the range to go in the stands to get the balls. And what happens if a ball hits the netting? Is it still in play. What if the ball is hit high and just skimms netting and player catches the ball? Hmmm. Interesting. This will have a ballpark effect. 

  2. On 6/7/2019 at 10:45 PM, harkness99 said:

    Renteria just isn't very smart - it's that simple.


    If you listen to him talk you can tell... C student.. nice kid who likes to help.

    While smarts is a plus, I love the knowledge guys myself, but its not necessary to be a champion, to be an all our scholar of the game. Different people have different gifts such as heart, sportsmanship,forging chemistry, knowing the players, etc.

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