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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by Chisox378

  1. If you look at video, Bleday has a shorter leg kick now compared to his video from a while back. It has done him wonders as his power has skyrocketed. I always compare to Frank Thomas who has a short stride to the ball, but kills the ball. Im not hot on high leg kicks, which brings me to Andrew Vaughn. While Vaughn does have is a better eye than Bleday, right now, Vaughns leg kick will hurt him in the long run. I'm really torn, but right now Im hot on Bleday because his swing is better than Vaughn.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Soxfest said:

    Alonso so brutal

    I thought Alonso would be able to handle lefties this year and would do well with 600 plus at bats.After watching him this season he should only be playing vs. righties(and he can barely hit them right now.) Let Eloy or McCann DH vs lefties at this point.

  3. 3 minutes ago, elrockinMT said:

    This game is a team effort. Players need a rest and that’s what keeps them fresh. Catchers especially need that break 

    McCann must need alot of rest becuase he has been resting an aweful lot. That's fine maybe he is like Christy Mathewson who sat ever Sunday to observe the Lord's Day. If that's the case I respect McCann even more.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

    Yeah, boy if he played more they might finish with 74 wins instead of 70. 

    Next, that would be "Renteria derailing the season," not McCann.

    Derailing the season makes it seem like they had a chance to make a wild card push. Have you seen this pitching staff and bullpen?

    I never said derail the season. I said McCann is going to derail.

  5. 1 minute ago, soxfan49 said:

    You said that McCann is going to derail the season

    I'm saying that there is a good chance he isn't going to play as well because they keep sitting him. The guy comes into this year rejuvenated, smoking the ball, getting hits to all parts of the field, playing decent D, doing extensive scouting reports and here he finds himself constantly benched. I'm sure it plays on his confidence.

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  6. 43 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

    As much as I want to see Zavala, why is McCann once again out of the lineup?

    This is the first thing I thought about. When McCann derails this year we can blame it on this organization who loves tanking. Ricky is too weak to stand up for this non sense, someone in the higher ups is making the lineups in my opinion,give Ricky back his team and leave the organization for purposely tanking!

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  7. 1 hour ago, greg775 said:

    I preface this by saying Moncada, Timmy and Eloy will all be stars, maybe even all stars this year, but I have pointed out to those who love tanking and the draft, that sometimes the fact our team blows can affect performance. Remember our young guys are thrust into meaningless baseball games and I'd think on many occasions they just go through the motions. I mean why draw a walk the nights our team blows chunks? I can see why several at bats would be wasted hacking at everything, trying to hit the ball a mile. What good is drawing a walk or battling in an 8-1 rout??

    Ok good points. Although a smart hitter draws a walk there because we need baserunners if we are going to come back. A home run does nothing.

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