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Al Lopez Ghost (old)

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Posts posted by Al Lopez Ghost (old)

  1. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Apr 16, 2005 -> 02:23 AM)
    Marte is a much better guy starting an inning.  He sucks as a situational lefty and with inherited runners.  Then again, who else should Ozzie bring in?

    Well, in Friday night's game, it was stupid - no other word - of Ozzie to leave Vizcaino in against Ichiro and Reed - 2 lefties - and then bring Marte in for the 4th guy in the inning. I know Vizcaino has become known for getting lefties out too, but Marte to start the 9th was the right way to go.

  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 15, 2005 -> 01:24 PM)
    I was looking for this thread, I knew it was here somewhere. Not to make more than this deserves, but I think Ozzie may need to watch for some killer instinct and guard against easing up once a series is won. I think some/a lot or this is substitutions, but even that could be worrisome if we aren't deep enough to win with our B game.

    Well, hold on. We lost game 3 of the season when our closer gave up 3 dingers in the ninth, the last one with 2 strikes on the potential 3rd out. We lost game 6 when we couldn't hit Santana. There's a lot of that going around. Last night was sorta substitution night, so I'll give you that one, but really it was the pitching that didn't get the job done, not the "B" team.


    It's too early for any conclusions, but I don't think the losses can be blamed on Ozzie's tactics, so far.

  3. Tuesday night about 30 members of the Sox traveling party had dinner at Morton's in Cleveland, and Everett picked up the tab. You gotta figure at the very least that's a hundred bucks a person. I know he gets paid a lot, but try to get that kind of money out of Pippen's pocket. Kudos, Carl.

  4. I don't think it matters. If you play baseball the way it should be played (like we have in this very small sample), you'll generally beat the team you're playing that day or night. It matters not if you beat the Twinkies and go to Tampa and play like the Sox have in recent years. We have the makings of a solid rotation and good defense. That's what matters, not who we're playing when.

    BTW, BMAC had a solid start last night. I don't know if that's been posted, but it was 7 strong innings, 10 Ks I think. This is part of the confidence we can have in our rotation.

  5. Did you catch the thing about Buerhle leaving the dugout to go to a suite during the game? Was this something everyone but me knew about? Anyone else know any details about it?

    BTW Mariotti sucks. It'll be interesting to see if he gets his radio job back from WMVP if the Sox jump to the Score.

  6. When it happened, I thought clearly Marte was aiming at Lee. I recorded the game and watched it several times. What I really missed was Harrelson's take on it. He was not at the game in which Marte hit (not "beaned") Lee. He did broadcast the next day, and they replayed the incident.


    During the next day replay, DJ said something like, you can see that the pitch just got away from Damaso. Hawk said "Are you being PC (politically correct) or do you really think that?" DJ said, "I really believe that it got away." Harrelson said "Well, that must be what happened then." My inference was that Hawk thought it was purposely done too.

  7. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:31 AM)
    no no no...I'm not saying MLB made the story up at all..


    I'm saying they knew about the positive test 4 WEEKS ago, yet they waited until Opening Day to announce it. Thats my only beef with it. And I still don't think Sanchez is an actual roid user myself...

    A couple of years ago the Bears had a qb named Jim Miller. He had the body of a qb too, and he failed his drug test because he took an over the counter supplement that had a precurser to steroids in it. It produced a "hit" on the banned substance test and he was suspended for 4 games. I think that it's possible or maybe likely that this is what happened to Sanchez too, and will happen a few more times before some of this mental midgets figure out that you gotta be careful and read labels of what you buy at Joe's Vitamin World.

    But I do think Billy Boy took steroids. Besides the freakish arm strength disappearing so quickly, I think Billy had a pretty good case of acne going for him, which is also a byproduct of steroids. I have no information about the size of his testicles, however.

  8. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 04:31 AM)
    This was from the Sun-Times, by the way.

    There was a much longer article in today's Tribune, describing the various treatments he's had, his family life and more. Also, it went into a contentious past he had with KW, and said KW called him after hearing about Cowley's troubles, encouraged him, stuff like that. Someone more computer savvy will be able to post the article, I hope.

  9. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Apr 4, 2005 -> 06:41 PM)
    Just a pitcher's duel... We won these games at the begining of the year last season too... We started out like 11-1 in 1-run games.

    Yeah, but I think a lot of those 1-run games were 13 to 12, some of which we were ahead by more but our bullpen of Mike Jackson and Kocheroo let in a lot of runs to get it to a one run game. Completely different animal from today.

  10. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 02:41 PM)
    If this is in his book then Kittle needs to edit this passage. In 1992 Barry Bonds was still a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates. In 1993 he was on the Giants and Matt Williams was a teammate and Dusty Baker was his manager.

    The book could use a good editor. There are times when he repeats himself, such as the fact that in the minors Kittle and Walker were called "Swat and Sweet", and he refers to Willie Thompson as being alive, and I'm pretty sure he's not. So your point is a good one.

  11. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 08:02 AM)
    It won't be opening day without him... he's awesome!  No matter, I'll still be there.  I'm more interested in who will do the pre-game hype on the big screen, now that Dave Wills is gone.  I loved when they added that last year.

    Well, maybe it will be the guy who is replacing Wills on the radio. That would be Bryan Dolgin, ex-voice of the Joliet Jackhammers and a veteran of WJOL-AM. He starts Monday. This info is from the SunTimes today. Also, according to the Tribune, Dolgin is a 1987 graduate of U of Miami, and although he grew up in the northern suburbs, his dad has Sox season tickets.

  12. I read Kittle's book last night. For the most part it's pretty light reading, maybe not the best baseball book you'll ever read, but if you want to relive the 1983 team, or learn more about Kittle, it's fine. Co-written by Bob Logan, the book's official title is Ron Kittle's Tales from the White Sox Dugout, and the publisher is Sports Publishing L.L.C., website www.SportsPublishingLLC.com.


    Now, as for Barry Bonds. Kittle says that over the years, Ron has bought game used jerseys and taken them to the player for an autograph, in order to auction the shirt off for his charity golf outing. He says that every player he has approached has cooperated, mentioning McGwire, Sosa, Jeter and Clemens. Every player but one. Kittle writes that in 1992:


    "I walked up to Bonds at his locker in the Wrigley Field visitors' clubhouse, introduced myself and said, 'Barry, if you sign these, they'll bring in a lot of money for kids who need help.' Bonds stood up, looked me in the eye and said "I don't sign for white people." If lightning hits me today, I will swear those were his exact words."


    Kittle talks about Matt Williams and Dusty Baker calming him down after Bonds walked away. He concludes by saying "So if Barry Bonds is looking for a breath of fresh air to live and I'm the one who has to give it to him, unfortunately, the man will die."

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