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Al Lopez Ghost (old)

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Posts posted by Al Lopez Ghost (old)

  1. have you caught Lima's dugout act? During the Sox series on the last game, the afternoon win with the 3 run ninth against us, he was making voodoo gestures at every pitch. I'd be hard pressed to name any Royal I like, but Lima's the biggest hot dog around. Hope his arm falls off.

  2. First of all no way is Carlos a better outfielder than Maggs. Maggs just makes it look easier. Nor can you put Carlos at first at this point in the season. If he worked in winter ball and spring training, maybe that would work.

    Rowand is a solid outfielder, and he probably is our best choice for 2004. If he is the starter next year, I'd still want a good fielding left handed alternative, but that won't be Everett. I thought the Everett trade gummed things up, unless they made another trade to allow Everett to Dh or play left. That trade never happened, obviously.

  3. It seems to me that every time we face a big game with Jon on the mound (Cleveland early this year, KC, etc.), that game is lost by the 5th inning. Last year against California he was:


    ERA 7.71, 0-2, 9.1 innings, 16 hits, 6 walks.




    6.50, 1-3, 18 inn, 27 hits, 10 walks.


    So I'm feeling a little uncomfortable about tonight's game.


    Any positive spin out there on this?

  4. He's not a kid, and he's a career minor leaguer. If he winds up with major league time, it'll be 10 years from now as a coach. Time spent discussing what to do with the Gloads of the world is time wasted.

  5. If he makes it, we'll start seeing Neal Cotts growth charts, etc.

    Way baack when, Harry Caray would go on and on about Kevin Bell and Bucky Dent, saying things like "Hey gals, these guys look like Robert Redford and Paul Newman."

    Maybe Hawk will start channeling Harry.

    This just in, Astros 1 Cubs 0.

  6. I agree. Win or lose, as long as you hustle, you get my support. Getting down on a kid after 2 plus innings is beyond silly. There were positives to his performance, as you have pointed out, and I am hopeful he can develop into something special.

    The only Sox player I remember booing is Ron LeFlore, when the ball went off his head in center, and he then sarcastically doffed his cap at the end of the inning. That's boo-able.

    Let's take first back tonight.

  7. You can always tell a Cubs fan, but you can't tell him much.


    I've hated the Cubs for 5 decades, but it's really their fans that I hate. I can't stand to be around them, to hear them, it's making me irritated to think of them.


    A long time ago the Sporting News had an article about the difference between Sox and Cubs fans. I wrote in and said the article was so clear and concise, even a Cub fan could understand it. They printed my letter. That was probably the high point of my life.



    This is going to be a really popular thread.

  8. Danny Wright finally pitches effectively, so I'd keep him in the pen. Give Cotts another start to see if he learns anything from this. Mark B needed a period of adjustmet before he found his way around out there. If Cotts walks another 6 in two innings, give Adkins his shot.

    I just don't want to jerk Danny around if he's finally found his comfort level. I think that would be a big long term mistake.

  9. Not a prospect, never gonna be a prospect. He's a minor league roster filler. Sorry. He was probably the best ball player anyone at his high school ever saw. Probably a great guy. He's stuck to it for a long time. Not a major leaguer.

  10. Great ball player, moral moron. I'm sorry they're letting him back in. It will be interesting to see if any current hall of famers protest his induction. Bob Feller has been outspoken (course he's crotchedy) and Bench used to be against it.


    He'll be managing the Reds in two years.

  11. Well, Colon wasn't exactly on his game either, and made a couple of mental mistakes. After that great 3-6-1, he's gotta get the third out and strand the runnner. then there was the wild pitch where he didn't cover home. So I have no problem with taking him out. And he's entitled to a less that fabulous start now and then.

    We have to use the pen. If it sinks the ship, then we're just not good enough. Overextending the starters will kill us faster.

    We're still going to win this thing.

  12. I think it's hard to find a real good number five in both categories. Gload's a career triple A and a half guy. Cubs cut him for God's sake. I think Rauch is a real long shot. Eventually you have to say he's had enough time and it just wasn't to be for him. I never bought that line of crap that he's so tall the ball gets on the batter faster. Throw it faster and the ball gets on you faster.

  13. The last time the North Siders were in town there was an infestation of gnats on the field and the first base dugout.


    Turns out, they're attracted to cork. Helps them fly, probably.


    Of course, it's surprising that the don't get more bugs there, what with the smell and all. :fthecubs

  14. During a real heavy rain delay, he'll say "Coming down like a horse on a flat rock." He also used to say a close game would make his lower muscle twich. And also, "Your what hurts?"

  15. Be gentle, I'm a first timer. I've enjoyed reading you all and it took me about 20 times to get registered.

    The next two weeks are our time to take control and watch Tony Pena disappear in our rear view mirror.

    I checked KC's schedule, and in September they have to go to California and Texas, but in between they have to fly back to KC to play Arizona for one game. Plus they play the last 20 days of the season. They're toast.

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