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Everything posted by GradMc

  1. There was a reason Dombrowski peddled him off to Kenny-Hahn instead of Devers. Boston got the East Coast press to build Moncada as the next big thing and the Sox with their lousy scouting failed to do their homework and swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
  2. An off year and still have 100 RBI....Okay
  3. Fair weather refugees from Clark and Addison.
  4. This is why you need affluent sportsmen committed to help fortify the team with vetted difference makers. We don't have that on the Southside of Chicago.
  5. That was never going to happen with this ownership group. These are not affluent sportsmen operating the Sox.
  6. I don't want to see no refugees from Clark and Addison on the mound after the 6th inning except Kimbrel. This is supposed to be KKH time.
  7. Two more innings before the Firm. TLR can't wait.
  8. Trigger-happy TLR can't wait for the 7th inning. Lineup is still veak. Won"t matter if Gossage-Eckersley-Rivera are in the pen if they don't score.
  9. Oh excuse me. Maybe he'll get passed Boston, Tampa Bay, Oakland and Houston. Then get past The Dodgers, Giants or SD and win his second championship in 40 friggin years. My bad.
  10. That's the Reinsdorf way And that's why he's got one championship in 40 years to show for it.
  11. Tired of hearing how Nick wasn't this or that. He was the most consistent in putting the ball in play they had. He was my favorite player and I will miss him. The FTJr Matter solidified Hahn's breathtaking incompetence and these GMs are looking to fleece him. The Cubs were probably asking for Sheets, Burger and Cepedes for Bryant or Baez. And Hahn probably thought about it.
  12. OH HELL NO They will regret trading Nick. They gave Rizzo and Baez away for nothing. Hahn got fleeced A-GAIN!!!
  13. Can't handle the truth is your problem not mine. The White Sox will sit on their hands and do nothing because Hahn will have to overpay. Marco Paddy is the real star in that organization. I hope they pay him well.
  14. And this team will be no different. You gotta have affluent sportsmen running major sports teams. The White Sox throughout their history just haven"t had that.
  15. Management / Ownership expect way too much from folks with limited talent. But that's been Reinsdorf"s MO for 40 years. In 2005, he got career years out of mostly cost-effective journeymen ballplayers and managed to get his one and will be only championship.
  16. Me too. Escobar was the perfect fit. After the FTJR fiasco every GM from here to Jupiter will be trying to fleece Hahn who has no business evaluating sports talent.
  17. The SD owners said they would leave no stone unturned. Oh to be blessed with ownership like that on the Southside..
  18. That pitch Cease threw to Donaldson with first base open was unforgivable. He and half this bullpen would have no business on a playoff roster. If Cease happened to turn into Tell Me A Trevor Story would be fine by me. For comfort, I'm still playing last night's fantastic call of Sheet's walkoff by Len Kasper. It was Brickhouse-Caray-Harrelson-esque.
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