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Everything posted by GradMc

  1. The Cubs were supposed to be the next great dynasty. What happened ? And Cleveland blew that Series whereas the 2005 Sox had one of the best post-season records in history.
  2. The Sox will need affluent sportsmen in the owner"s suite to build this team into the perennial juggernaut they can be. And get them into the South Loop where Harold Washington wanted to put them in the first place. Reinsdorf is many things A visionary he ain't.
  3. Gas Can Foster indeed. A miracle that ball didn"t go out. That bullpen has mucho issues.
  4. I don't trust him either. I see why Billy Beane didn't care about resigning him.
  5. The Sox current standing is a testament to the team, They decided play above the frey and I love them for it. When these guys hit their prime, there will be no TLR and hopefully an affluent group of sportsmen comes along to keep them together.
  6. Never understood the Eaton signing from jump. But it's a Reinsdorf run organization so I guess I'm not supposed to. Everytime I see FTJR jumped 50 ft in the air on send a ball to Jupiter I tell myself he's a lucky guy to have been traded. Reinsdorf would still him cost-contained in AA. The idea of Reinsdorf paying anyone but himself 340 mil is sheer fantasy. I'm waiting for them to trade Lil Bro Tatis for a lot of nothing.
  7. Another MEH game from the supposed ace. The closest to ace quality currently is Lynn. Hopefully, the next ownership group will go out and get a real one.
  8. I believe this is the case. The brain fog thing can last a long time along other nagging ailments. I had it a while back. I've been fully vaccinated since but it really does take quite a while to get over it. Kudos to Yo-Yo for being out there and fighting through it !!
  9. Reinsdorf will get them no help when it can make the biggest impact. Then predictably they swoon which Reinsdorf will use as an excuse not to do anything. Wash, Rinse, Repeat for 40 years. If anything, Hahn will be selling. He works for an owner who admitted to being P.T. Barnum 2.0.
  10. Madrigal is exactly the type of player needed in games where manufacturing runs is paramount. This organization is stuck on homer-happy, one dimensional offenses. Nick will be solely missed.
  11. Just like the managerial selection, the decision is not up to Hahn. When the Sox failed to compensate for the loss of Eloy and Luis, that told me all I needed to know. Lord knows I'm no great fan of Hahn but I know who the puppetmaster is.
  12. Perfect way of expressing the current state of the Sox. The 3 run homer heroes and school yard strikeout kings can only mask core issues for so long.
  13. The White Sox do NOT have a closer. They don't have a competent manager either.
  14. Hahn is no builder of championship caliber organizations. He's terribly miscast in the corporate world. But then again with Reinsdorf you"re behind the 8 ball from jump.
  15. Social Media is ablaze. Everybody and their grandma is going off on LaRussa. I love it. It serves Reinsdorf right for this atrocious, tone-deaf hire. The White Sox are winning despite them. The mark of real champions.
  16. The White Sox are the talk of baseball - because of their archaic-thinking manager, not because of their great, inspirational play. The White Sox have too much pride to allow their lost in the 1950's owner and his manager to derail what they have going.
  17. They really needed Gio to bring his A-game today to minimize any TLR-adverse machinations.
  18. We desparately need new ownership before this dynasty in the making becomes unglued.
  19. We need Gio to be the ace folks claim he is.
  20. He said he had no problem with Yermin getting hit and he didn't believe it was intentional. Looked like a pitch that got away. BS.
  21. Watching TLR post-game was absolutely pathetic.
  22. Respect the game. That's rich coming from the manager of some of the biggest juicers in history. How many of those HOF wins are tainted ??? The guy threw a softball pitch befitting a grammar school team at recess and Yermin hit it to Venus. Yermin was teaching the Twins a lesson.
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