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Everything posted by Tomtom

  1. KC wishes they still played 19 games against the White Sox.
  2. How the hell is it a sinker if it’s above the strike zone!
  3. Bringing in Colome is basically saying I don’t give a sh** if we win this game.
  4. Lopez, Really! Kelly was dealing , why not send him out for another inning.
  5. Even without walking TA, the Sox don’t score. Has Pedro ever heard of a squeeze play?
  6. This is a really stupid move. They’ll walk Anderson and set up the DP with Robert.
  7. I can't imagine what Cal Ripken would say!
  8. If they lose today, especially a close game, the local media should rip Grifol to shreds for today's pathetic lineup that does not include Tim Anderson. When you begin the year 7-21 and then win three in a row and have a chance to sweep: In the words of Steve Winwood:
  9. Totally Agree. If you want to "rest" him, let him DH. Everyone can see how important he is to this offense. He had 3 hits yesterday! Pedro has a bad habit of resting his hottest players, thus causing them to go cold (see Robert)...Furthermore, when you dig yourself a hole like they have, you have to try to win every game. This looks like another white flag lineup.
  10. For the life of me I don’t understand why they did not squeeze Hamilton in. With his speed all Haseley has to do is get the bunt down fair!
  11. That’s the problem, too many tomorrows left!
  12. What a surprise, Bummer walks his first batter.
  13. From my point of view, this game was lost as much because the offense could not add runs when they had the opportunity. As for those who say “What could Pedro do”, he could say to himself, “Gee, Joe Kelly had really good stuff today, maybe I’ll go one more inning with him instead of putting the 8th inning on Lopez.”
  14. Every team doesn’t have the Sox bullpen.
  15. Every team doesn’t have the Sox bullpen.
  16. The problem with using a different pitcher every inning is that they all have to be on. If one pitcher is bad…..
  17. So why not keep Joe Kelly in the game. He obviously had his good stuff. Now we’ll see Lopez blow the lead.
  18. You know not scoring more that inning will come back to haunt them.
  19. “We probably weren’t quite as smart as we were viewed to be then,” Hahn said, “and perhaps not quite as stupid as we may be viewed to be now.” Well, he's half right!
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