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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. I can hate both. Which I do. 2 separate issues
  2. Thanks. I just looked that up. That's so stupid. More reasons to dislike MLB
  3. Who will pocket the extra profits anyway. He doesn't deserve anymore public funds.
  4. Waste good offense the other day. Now Waste good pitching . Never change white sox.
  5. Who's cares about this game anyway. 3rd game of the year and the sox are already punting games awesome.
  6. Doesn't matter who the manager is. This team is a lost cause until there is different ownership. Bottom line.
  7. Yep bullpen. Was always gonna be the problem with this team.
  8. Yes it is. Unfortunately we've seen this before. Until it changes most will expect it to happen.
  9. Tripping over a 20 to pick up a dollar is the white sox mo.
  10. I don't know. As I said I don't have enough information. My only thought was without actually being part of the clubhouse. We can only speculate on the root of the problem. It's obvious TLR needs to go. That is for sure.
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