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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. And strand the bases loaded? That's another white sox special.
  2. You're right they definitely won't score any runs .
  3. Again why couldn't laim pitch another inning? Tony must have money on the Cubs!
  4. Why can't laim pitch another inning? They are off tomorrow.
  5. Like most say on here. Harrison in this situation a lot!
  6. I agree with you. I'm just frustrated. Didn't mean to sound like I was arguing.
  7. It is his fault. I want a complete different ownership. The bulls still haven't won anything .
  8. Time to sell this team does not give a shit!
  9. This team doesn't seem like it can be fixed with the current leadership. All the years waiting for empty promises is a big Fu from JR. He is seriously a pile of lying crap!
  10. And cease isn't the Ace either. Doesn't really matter just saying.
  11. Actually if he just took some pitches he would be up 3-0 in the count. The book is out on the sox.
  12. Should anyone be surprised!? This team is stupid and lead by a even bigger moron who doesn't seem to give a shit about winning.
  13. A guy walks so of course next guy swinging at every pitch . This team is so stupid!
  14. Not being a smart ass to you. Maybe the sox pitchers feel they have to pitch a perfect game with this shit offense. Maybe it makes them press to much at times.
  15. That's game. This team is a complete fucking joke!
  16. As much as I hate most of what's going on with the sox right now. I have actually liked the last 2 drafts and direction of the farm system right now. I agree with everything else though.
  17. It's hard not to hate this team right now!
  18. Yep! Go figure guy on 2nd no outs probably no runs.
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