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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Seriously. Can anyone add a opinion on why this offense struggles as much as they do?
  2. Who should start game 1? Just a question not being smart ?
  3. Pretty much. It's a trend. It never makes sense with the talent. Hopefully it clicks when it matters.
  4. If this team doesn't make it out of the first round. I have a feeling it will be because of the offense.
  5. I don't remember ever saying I'm gonna quit watching them.
  6. It was sarcasm. Don't tell that to the board elites though. Not Directed towards you by the way.
  7. Thanks for giving me permission. Such a typical response.
  8. If Tony and the Sox are checking out until the playoffs. Maybe the fans should as well and not buy tickets.
  9. Maybe just being realistic is normal for some?
  10. Just wait until stupid fuck Tony is resting players in the playoffs.
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