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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Probably game! Looks like the shit offense is going the motions.
  2. They can't pick it up off any pitcher right now. This offense is a embarrassment!
  3. What's predictable is the sox offense won't score again next inning. Hopefully that works.
  4. At least 90 year old Jerry reinsdorf is making money. I'm really happy for him!
  5. Dallas sucks today too! Another loss incoming.
  6. It's one series. Very frustrating though. I hate jr.
  7. I was thinking sheets because he's a left handed bat.
  8. That helps! Definitely need a offensive out break today.
  9. Happy father's day to all the Dads. Let's have a day with good food and a white sox winner!
  10. If you already know that, then don't bother watching.
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