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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. This game really sucks!!! I'm tired of the Indians.
  2. Anyone have the Billy meme from caddyshack? Lol
  3. Have the sox scored a run this year on that rule?
  4. Zimmer 2 hits today. Really!? The sox give away to many fucking games.
  5. The Indians are world beaters against the sox.
  6. His swing is to long. He was late on 95 down the middle.
  7. If the Indians win the ump should get the game ball. Yeah eaton sucks!
  8. This game got annoying . Hate to think I've seen this movie before, I don't like the ending. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  9. Not a good time for the offense to go quiet. Fuck this ump!
  10. I'm sorry I hated the eaton signing at the time. And I still do! He sucks
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