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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Can't get to high on this team. Then this happens. Good night fellas, hope giolito gets it going tomorrow.
  2. The most obvious outcome. Another game blown.
  3. He was also bashing Baldelli for arguing the ejection. Which one is it?
  4. When you strand runners this is what always happens. Dang it.
  5. Exactly. I never understood why people say that . I would be interested to see how many games the sox haven't used a challenge . This isn't football, you can save it for something that might not happen anyway.
  6. What's also stupid about it. That's when they'll issue the warnings to both teams if it happens.
  7. I agree, lol. It did take a lucky bounce back to Donaldson.
  8. Exactly giving away outs when you're down a run is stupid.
  9. That's what this team is. I wish it wasn't, I hope to eat crow though.
  10. That's the key . 2 runs, doesn't matter because they will not score another run. It was over when the royals took the lead.
  11. I'm honestly not surprised. The sox don't get clutch hits when they're trailing. Mental midgets. If it's Patting stats with a huge lead sure.
  12. This is all on the offense. So far 3 runs in almost 2 games against the royals. Ugly!
  13. They have inflated numbers because they're blow outs.
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