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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Because the sox like losing is the only thing I can think of. I don't care if it's early. I honestly feel they are to fucking stupid to ever accomplish anything. Why not leave laim in? Fuck this shit.
  2. The sox will always be a fucking stupid baseball team. Thanks for hiring TLR Jerry you old pile of shit!
  3. It's stupid but yet the sox still can't score with it.
  4. Moncada is not good right now. Let's keep battling him clean up though. Is it a rule now you have to be clueless to be a white Sox manager?
  5. Yes I agree. Just saying after a little rough start to the season, right back on track.
  6. Lamb is complete dog shit. No business being on a roster let alone playing.
  7. We can thank the shit offense yet again for that.
  8. This team sucks bad now. It's a bad replay every game it seems.
  9. It's the outcome I expected every time now. Seriously
  10. Is it really surprising? I would be shocked if they scored some runs. The sox suck balls right now.
  11. I really hope so ray ray! He needs to get going.
  12. Marshall proved me wrong thankfully ?. Good job.
  13. People speaking to early on Dallas. For fuck sakes this team!
  14. Nothing will change unless pile of shit Jerry sells the team.
  15. The whole team is choking. Terrible clutch hitting, bad defense and inconsistent bullpen. TLR hasn't exactly been good either. Add in shit umps and there you go. The home plate ump today seriously needs the shit kicked out of him.
  16. If this doesn't stop the sox just need to walk off the field and quit.
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