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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Possibly. With Abreu though when people get concerned he all of a sudden goes on a tear. Understand your point though.
  2. I just want him to be consistent in the field. Hitting isn't the concern.
  3. It's hard not to be. I wasn't until this year.
  4. Who cares 2 wrongs don't make a right.
  5. I can't stand Garcia worthless fuck. More Stranded runners in scoring position with less than 2 outs. What else is new.
  6. Now gio is shittng the bed. So frustrating right watching this team. Smh
  7. Rodon wtf! Just fucking pitch. This team is so stupid.
  8. Really exciting having the clean up hitter being a automatic out.
  9. It's going to happen again. what a surprise.
  10. I meant to say 0-19 with runners on. Either way bad loss all around.
  11. Seriously I'm sure you're a nice guy. That said can you please just leave we don't care.
  12. The most obvious outcome. The sox deserve to lose. They suck balls right now. I'm not buying their hype ever again. Fuck this shit!!!
  13. I don't know why. I'm sure happy hour is over.
  14. Probably not. Seen this movie before. Would love to be wrong obviously.
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