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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. How do you think he will Project over here?
  2. What you posted earlier is so true. Jr is to blame for most of this. Always tripping on a 20 to pick up a dollar. It's his fault for tatis. Not wanting to pick up Shields full salary was obviously the reason tatis was involved in the trade. The trading Internatonal pool money to the rangers cost the sox a potentially good player. Everything you said is so spot on. He's so short sighted.
  3. If they didn't trade the money they could possibly have him now. It's a valid complaint. One really doesn't have to do with the other.
  4. Also considering the sox had a chance to draft Howard. If they wanted him that bad they would have him. That post makes absolutely no sense.
  5. If that's the case. colome/ Brantley > Hendriks in my opinion.
  6. Sox80

    Egg Nog Poll

    Thickness matters I believe. Oberweis although really expensive is thick with more flavor than others. Just my 2 sense.
  7. In a perfect world. The sox get both and eventually the corner outfield spots are filled. I understand neither are sure things. It's fun to dream though.
  8. Gotcha. Thanks for the feedback. Talking about which talented players the Sox can get isn't a bad thing , I can get used to this?
  9. That's very true. The bar was set a little higher on him fair or not is all I was saying.
  10. Do you know what class the youngest tatis is in? I know there has been talk of a international draft . Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. I'm really Jacked about the potential future of the sox restocking the system.
  11. It's really amazing the Success rate the sox have had with their Cuban acquisitions. The only one I can think of that hasn't really panned out has been Viciedo. Even then it was a good pick up at the time.
  12. Sounds like someone can dish it out and not take. My mistake no jokes with you. Moving on.
  13. That's true as well. What I should have said, is I would rather just resign Colome.
  14. Normally I would agree with you. He has a valid point on this one though. The sox haven't had the best luck spending on rp lately either.
  15. The money will be spent. Even joc is out of Jerry's price range. I don't like it.
  16. I'm not excited either. Trading Dunning Hardly closes the window in the next 5 years.
  17. I see your point. The question would be how much of Heyward's salary the Cubs take back. How many years Does Bauer sign for?
  18. I'm not saying it would get it done . But I would do stiever and a secondary piece for Lynn. The sox have enough other arms with a higher ceiling than stiever.
  19. What would you be willing to give up for one year of lynn? I like your idea . I don't want to go all in either.
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