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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Thanks! It seems like the sox do much better with the in house relievers opposed to their free agent signings lately.
  2. Jimmy is there any relievers in the system that you're high on? I'm always interested in guy's like codi heuer etc. Also really appreciate what you bring to this board. Thanks a lot.
  3. Exactly at that point just sign Trevor Bauer.
  4. I don't think the sky is falling. That's why I said let's see what happens. That said there is a proven history that supports the negative thinking on here. Like I said let's see what happens. I do love this team regardless.
  5. So spot on . Myself like others on here have been saying the same thing for years now. I believe they are starting to come out of the dark ages. The last few drafts have been encouraging. They still have a ways to go through. Hiring the old drunk proves that.
  6. If the sox would just come out and say we're not going to spend because we're cheap. I would at least respect the honesty even though I think it's bs. Instead it's the same old song and dance year after year. So insulting the crap they feed, as if the fanbase is stupid. Hopefully they do something. Their payroll wasn't high last year. Or the few previous years before that towards the bottom of the league. The crying broke dosen't add up sorry. Again let's see what happens.
  7. Sorry I meant minority owners.
  8. Some teams also have investors that aren't billionaires.
  9. I understand it takes one of those guys. That's why I said I'd rather not trade for one of the Tor starter's. Just sign a cheaper pitcher or 2 and develop their own guys.
  10. Serious question. Who can't hold their liquor? I'm late to the conversation my apologies.
  11. Gotcha. I'm just eager to see how this plays out like all of us.
  12. That may be true and I don't disagree that it won't happen. I just don't want them to trade the 3 I was talking about. Weather that happens we'll see.
  13. I agree with this post. I still think the window can be now and the near future as well. I just don't want to trade Vaughn, kopech or crochet. I know that's what teams want. I just don't want the sox to blow their wad on a trade. I understand they need to eventually trade some prospects because everyone will not pan out or they will be blocked. Again just my opinion .
  14. Not necessarily. The hope is kopech and crochet become Tor starter's. In my opinion the sox need to bridge the gap until they are stretched out. I think they need to keep them both to compete with the big boys like the Dodgers and Yankees in the future. Just my two sense .
  15. Agreed. It's like a good steak. It dosen't need steak sauce!
  16. You're right. It got off topic and I added to it, My mistake. I'm cautiously excited for this offseason.
  17. Well said. I'm not naive to think racism doesn't exist still. I just believe it gets thrown around way to much these days in my opinion.
  18. Sorry article doesn't show him saying anything racist. I don't like the hire by the way.
  19. This is a serious question. What racist comments has La russa made?
  20. I believe the last 2 drafts supports that theory . Do you agree? The direction of this franchise is a breath of fresh air and very exciting in my opinion.
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