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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Yes that's very true. Anderson is such a rock sometimes i forget he's human! Lol
  2. I agree. His velocity is nothing close to what was advertised.
  3. I don't understand why you don't sit moncada in a game like this?
  4. It's what needs to be done. He's just not good.
  5. That's awesome. My 9 year old daughter loves the sox and watching them with her dad?. This next 5-7 years is going to be really exciting!!
  6. Unfortunately moncada and Robert feel like automatic outs right now. Hope it can turn around soon.
  7. That's why i said maybe. I was hoping for a split, The sox have that. House money now.
  8. Yuck. Maybe the offense can weather the storm. Big picture it's definitely the smart play to rest Dallas longer.
  9. The Twins are still a good team. The sox were due for a game like this. Come back tomorrow and win and all is well. And if not all is still well!
  10. It's like he strolls soxtalk looking to call people out. I haven't seen much Complaining tonight at all.
  11. Mazara should not play tomorrow. Seriously!
  12. That's probably game. Hope Dallas starts tomorrow.
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