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Posts posted by Roofshot

  1. 1 hour ago, turnin' two said:

    You know, I'm in the market for a guitar.  And the other day, I saw this beautiful Fender Custom shop Tele.  Butterscotch blonde, heavy relic finish.  Just beautiful.  Custom Pickups.  The thing is freaking awesome.  And I could buy it.  I have the money to do it.  But, if I buy it, then I have less (like almost none) money to buy stuff for my wife and kids for Christmas.  They've all had tough years.  I'd like to spoil them a bit.  But I'd also like the guitar.  I've been saving for one and researching them for a while.  And you know, I think I deserve it (probably not, but I want it).  So you know, it isn't one or the other.  I was able to find another Telecaster that I really like.  Not custom pickups, but sounds great.  Not a vintage guitar, not the relic finish, which I love.  But it looks great.  Cool looking guitar.  Sounds great.  And you know, I have other guitars.  Ones with the some of the fancier features, and with really cool finishes on them.   This one will be a little different, but it will still fit in.  With this in mind, I think I'm going with the second Tele I mentioned.  Its like 25% of the price of the other one.  And it gives me more money to spend on other things I need to buy.  Maybe even get some stuff we don't really need, but would be nice for the kids to have.  

    Just thinking out loud.  

    Too bad you're not Jerry Reinsdorf, you'd have money for the Fender and your family's Christmas.

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    @CaliSoxFanViaSWside this is exactly what I’m talking about.  I wish the on-field product was better too, but I’m definitely not calling them up right now for short-term entertainment purposes.  

    Nothing personal @Roofshot, but this is just a crazy line of thinking and the value you get out of watching a slightly better team miss the playoffs in 2019 in worth absolutely nothing.

    Nothing personal either, but you and the other guy who responded don't quite get what I'm talking about.  Its crazy to want to watch a great, we hope, ballplayer come up and play for our team?  Im about to turn 50 and just beat cancer  for the 2nd time. I don't care about 7 years from now frankly. My old man is 71 and watches most every game, im sure hes not to worried about 7 years from now either. You might be young, idk, and life looks long, but theres no guarantee you'll be around in 7 years either. Sorry I don't mean to get all philosophical on a baseball message board, but you see where im coming from? I just do not understand the modern baseball fan I guess.  I cant grasp not wanting to see this guy in Chicago so the Reinsdorfs can save millions years from now. To me that's crazy. I get a lot of joy, pleasure, whatever the word watching baseball. But you say theres no value in that, its worth nothing? I guess we look at life a lot differently. ..Again, nothing personal. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Lol, I got banned from there too. I said something about how stupid it was that you couldn't use Yahoo for email. I don't even remember what my screen name was. Those mods were sanctimonious  A-holes. 

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    I have a coffee table book of Comiskey Park during the 1977 season. It was a dump. But it was a nice dump. JR's group actually did do a lot of fixing up of the place. 

    If its called "Park Life", I have same book. Lots of great pics of fans at the games. I will give credit to the Chairman and Einhorn there, they really did spruce it up when they took over. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Thad Bosley said:

    It's not ridiculous at all.  You keep trying to paint the five years of Veeck's second go-around as owner from '76-'80 as this "dark" and "laughingstock" window of time in the organization.  My point was it was no darker or more of a laughingstock than what we've experienced this decade. 

    Take out the three rebuild years if you want and look at the four years preceding them that resulted in the need for the rebuild to begin with.  For a team that was "going for it" from 2013-2016, and with a core that included the likes of Sale, Abreu, Quintana, and Eaton, the team didn't even play .500 ball.  That's every bit as laughingstock as anything that happened from '76 thru '80. 

    We lost quite a few ballgames between '13 and '16, which one should think would meet your definition of "dark".  At least in late '70s we had Nancy Faust playing the organ and Harry Caray singing "Take me out to the ballgame" every day/night at the ballpark, along with the many unique, themed days and nights Veeck had going on back then.  Don't recall any of that feeling particularly "dark".  

    Agree 100%. My Dad took us to 10-15 games a year during Veecks second go round and it was always a blast. Even just watching on TV, Harry and Jimmy kept even a blowout entertaining.  I see in another comment back down thread someone calling Comiskey Park a "dump." Please. It was a beautiful ball park. Yeah there were obstructed seats, so what? When you were in the upper deck you were hugging the field, right on top of the action. Didn't feel you were a million miles from the action like the new park. I still miss the old place. Lotta good times there.

  6. 13 minutes ago, gusguyman said:

    Which is irrelevant, because there are already many resources that explain WAR, both simply and in-depth.





    Just because someone didn't memorize the equation doesn't mean they didn't look into it and verify its validity. 

    Just read through the first link. Doesn't change my opinion of it.  Thanks for the info though. Ill dig into the others later.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    There is nothing about WAR that is subjective. Its difficult to give a slash line because amazingly enough you get value and lose it for more than just offense because baseball isn't just offense.

    Leury Garcia plays a premium defensive position and has graded out above average there. He also is a + base runner. Abreu is a bad defender and base runner who is only about 10% better than Leury with the bat this year despite playing a position that asks for premium offensive production.

    That's why leury is a more valuable player. It's not that complicated.

    A replacement level SS (assuming league average defense and baserunning) slash line would look something like Brandon Crawford this year:


    I still don't agree Leury is more valuable, but I understand the reasoning now that others do. Thanks for the response,although im aware theres more to baseball than offense, didn't need the snark.

  8. It's disgusting imo the Sox aren't calling this kid up this year so they can screw him out of a year of FA. Glaring example of everything that's wrong with corporate America today. I find it sad and disheartening so many are fine with this. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. On 7/28/2019 at 12:07 PM, vilehoopster said:

    Okay, I did my research on this. Explain to me where my math or logic is wrong.

    First, WAR is wins above replacement. Now, the way I understand that stat, "replacement" is what an average player would acheive in that spot or position or whatever, and WAR measures how many more wins this player gets for his team above an average player at that position. In a way, WAR measures how much a player is above average? Correct because "replacement" means an average player at that position, wins for your team above how many wins for your team an average player would help your team win? (That got rather long, sorry; but follow my logic.)

    Okay, Colomen has a WAR right now of 1.7 (I found it on two different sources).  Colome has a save percentage of 95.5%. He has saved 21 or 22 save opportunties. 

    Now this is where I have a problem. I also looked this up: the MLB average for saves is 64.24%. Therefore, by my logic, "replacement" for Colome would be someone who saves 64.24% of his save opportunities. 

    So, putting that 64.24% (as replacement) in 22 save opportunities would be only 14.13 saves. An average closer, "replacement", would only have saved 14 of the 21 games Colome has saved. 

    So, when looking at that, shouldn't Colome have a WAR of (his 21 saves minus the league average of 14.13 saves in 22 SOs)  therefore 21 - 14.13 = 6.86.

    Right now, Colome's wins above an average relief pitcher/ closer is 6.86. 

    Why isn't his WAR 6.86???? This makes no sense to me. 

    That makes a lot more sense than his present WAR or 1.7. 

    I also know that WAR figures in the team stats, like how the field or a pitcher's team defense would affect his value to the team. Well, if you look at that, remember that Colome's one blown save is because of a bonehead defensive play when Rondon threw home instead of the obvious throw to 1st to get the out. 

    So, look at my logic and my math. Why doesn't Colome have a WAR of 6.86?



    Because WAR is a stupid made up stat? I've tried to get my 22yo nephew to define what replacement level is. Im like, gimme a stat line for a replacement level SS, using my outdated "traditional" stats lol. He cant. WAR is subjective he says. I say if its subjective, its not a real stat.  Listening to the Score tonight while at work, they were talking about trading Abreu, then listed the 6 Sox players with more, higher?, WAR than Abreu. According to WAR, Leury Garcia is having a  more productive year than Abreu. That's all I need to hear about WAR to know its nonsense.

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