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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. This is un-fucking real. So glad I bought a Mercedes jersey last night. I've LOVED him and was so mad he didn't get a shot last year. Whoever said they'll make a movie about this and his backstory is 100% right.
  2. Yea you get more letters with normal but I'd rather have the black Sox plate. Looks sick
  3. Are you looking at normal vanity plate or White Sox vanity plate? They have different requirements. You have to select Professional Sports then Chicago White Sox
  4. Also doesn't work. Not sure what you guys are looking at. We are sorry but you have entered too many letters for Chicago White Sox License Plates. Please try again.
  5. That is in invalid selection for a plate Personalized Letters and numbers with a space between letters and numbers 1, 2, or 3 letters plus 1 thru 99 4 letters plus 1 thru 9 Vanity Up to 3 numbers only or 1 to 5 letters only Letters: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
  6. I'm trying to buy a Sox vanity plate but everything I come up with is already taken. Anyone have any good ideas? https://apps.ilsos.gov/pickaplate/pickaplate
  7. Can someone send me a link for a site I can buy a Mercedes jersey? I don't care if it's knock off so long as the site is legit. I'm dead serious btw.
  8. There was still the bottom half of the 7th. He may have needed it for something important then. Not to mention TA was already 0-2 in the count.
  9. Lol fan in the stands "Chicago still sucks!" See you in October kid.
  10. Adam Engel 20 Home Runs and 20 SB Sox throw a combined no-hitter in April or May 100 Wins
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