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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. Jason Benetti is broadcasting the NYY CLE game on ESPN+ (click the statcast option). Very nice to hear his voice.
  2. I'm sure if you google it you can find a stream somewhere. Not sure of rules here so not gonna post anything.
  3. BackToBackToBackToback? Oh yea.. we did that in 2008... hmm good year eh? MMMM oh yea we did it again this year
  4. All the videos, music, whatever else that gives you those Sox Goosebumps... post it here boys!
  5. Gonna be tough to get any sleep tonight. Super fucking hyped. LETS GO SOX!!!!!!!!
  6. He said "The A's played 54 of their 60 games against teams that finished below .500" not teams who were at or above .500 at the time. He is absolutely right it took me 2 minutes to fact check. 10 games against Astros (.483) 10 games against Mariners (.450) 10 games against Angels (.433) 10 games against Rangers (.367) 6 games against Giants (.483) 4 games against Rockies (.433) 4 games against D-Backs (.417) 3 games against Dodgers (.717) 3 games against Padres (.617)
  7. What are we since we sent Collins?
  8. I'm glad I'm already pretty plastered. Time to get more fucked up. Fuck you Angel Hernandez! And fuck you Ricky!
  9. Big Frank likes to call him Roberts on the pre/post game show so I call SAFE on this spelling fact check.
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