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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. I ran downstairs and grabbed my dad after the top of the 8th. Grabbed a couple of the Sox goose islands in the fridge and watched history together. What a good night.
  2. I just wanna say even with all the dumb hot takes and nay saying i love all you guys. Congrats to Lucas and also congrats to McCann This is going to be a very fun decade, let's all strap it down and enjoy
  3. Outside of EE's contact the other 2 outs were hard hit balls so that's a good sign at least.
  4. Worth noting (albeit it was summer camp) last time we faced Yu the Sox had the first 5 runners reach base and we scored 5 runs.
  5. With Keuchel going 8 plus the 2 upcoming off days there is no way Ricky and Coop don't have him on a very short leash
  6. You wouldn't last 1 day making lines.
  7. At least you don't have to deal with "Tom Time". Anyone who's been watching on MLB.TV will know exactly what i'm talking about....
  8. I actually find this take really triggering. Sure Hawk is clearly a southern guy and has his drawl but he has never even hinted or whistled at a racist remark. Dudes a good guy all i'm saying...
  9. I'm a numbers guy but i think this is the biggest thing you can't quantify. You get a team hungry, angry, and TOGETHER, that is the most dangerous thing u can see in baseball. I think we are doing that.
  10. Good win gentlemen. Dunning looked great... Edwin waking up??? Cishek calming down? Engel back, Robert should be back tomorrow, Madrigal should be back for Cubs series. Looking up my friends
  11. Electric. Clearly was tired towards the end but first 50+ pitches looked amazing.
  12. big run for my dumbass -1 SOX runline bet too
  13. I'll take Tweets That Didn't Age Well for $600 Alex!
  14. My buddy just texted me this. Not my words but i agree "Lol, renteria is fucking dumb. His arm was done last inning and he leaves him in. Gio 2 starts ago needs 1 out for win, veteran pitcher and renteria pull s him after like 85 pitches. Guy is just clueless what the fuck is going on. I can't fucking stand renteria. He can stick his little dick in a big ole pie and ride off into the sunset. So Rick why didn't u pull dunning after he was clearly fatigued?? Well, I once had a pie that was really good. I ate some and then my fat ass got tired. But then I got a second wind and ate the whole pie. I want dunning to learn how to eat lots of pie. Thanks Rick, that was truly enlightening, and this just in Jerry has extended your contract indefinitely because he thinks pie is important too."
  15. I have mlb tv (radio games not blacked out) for this exact reason
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