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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. All jokes aside happy birthday to him. He's been growing on me.
  2. Jason must get his defensive catching ability from Grandal
  3. I think this board has memed it into existence. TA7 is a better catcher than both of them combined however.
  4. Obligated to let you all know Grandal would have hit that pitch 470 instead of 407.
  5. Yup, you figured it out. He is purposely doing this. Maybe he thinks it's 1919 and not 2020.
  6. We're on the same page that he's gonna be a stud. I just have the belief putting him in timeout after dumb plays doesn't help. I think he is intelligent enough to realize he fucked up and doesn't need an extra day to think about what he did.
  7. Fair enough. If he's still learning to not make these aggressive mistakes I'd rather have him do it in September against the Pirates rather than October when it really matters.
  8. I do. And what does benching him accomplish? He's gonna make mistakes, and he already owned up to the 2 he made last night. So lets put in Mendick or Yolmer who are worse? This is the perfect season for him to learn and there are few enough games as is.
  9. The kid has played in 13 Major League games. Give him a break.
  10. Probably not now but here’s hoping there will be soon.
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