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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. Hey Everybody...!!! We got a win with Rodon... We have LUCAS GIOLITO tomorrow. We win ugly with the 5th-6th. I like it. We gotta do something (trade???) for starting pitching though. Bullpen is LIGHTS OUT!!!!
  2. Congrats for reading it all. Lots of knee-jerk reactions and armchair Managers! 3 outs to go!
  3. Ump gets the Strikeout there...........
  4. We only have 60 (if that!). I like long games. You should too!!!
  5. Just shows everyone is contributing 1-9 (AND ENGEL!!!!)
  6. Why do i feel like Grandal has been FUCKED the most on bad strike calls?
  7. Agreed. Both teams fighting hard, and both know this game means A LOT.
  8. Detwiler has faced minimum batters through 24 now???
  9. New ball game. I like our chances. Lights out bullpen + #1 AVG. MLB Sox... Lets go bois
  10. I listened to this this as the soccer song and i think that should be our chant for Jose when we get back in the ball park
  11. "now pitching for the red...white sox" Anyone else catch that? How dare you compare us to Boston. now we win
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