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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. And we'll need a patented @caulfield12 update on the run differential
  2. f*** it. make it like 25-0 i dont give a s%*# anymore
  3. Who was saying Thorpe's ERA was lower than Cease? Not anymore!
  4. Maybe he meant the other Billy Hamilton, the one who could hit https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/h/hamilbi01.shtml
  5. Not paywalled its from mlb.com and his email newsletter https://www.mlb.com/news/sergio-santos-discusses-success-managing-double-a https://links.mlb.mlbemail.com/e/evib?_t=c632e003a756446c956a8e0347d00d08&_m=ec5675b6faab4a4cb01e6d399e3c3b72&_e=G8s120s-SIt1XKbAw4CyDVY4mN3-h3-u1sYn8KVdt5RODkj-FvFnTV3IAoAwuzs_oAOkPUtswDA4f4L1lTC2jQ%3D%3D
  6. Yea i wouldn't call him a Sox legend, but he has had some legendary moments. His 3-3 hit day with 6IP, 11k and 1hit against was one of my fav games over the past few years.
  7. There was a pic posted of the fat kid from The Sandlot in the game thread tonight. And I was thinking, maybe instead of being depressed all day about how s%*# the Sox are and who's being traded we could share some of our favorite baseball movie clips. I'm not normally a big movie guy, but would love to watch new stuff in lieu of the 2024 Sox. These were the first few i thought of and I got some more but I would love to see more, hopefully new stuff!
  8. @caulfield12we need an updated run differential after todays s%*# show.
  9. Please dont s%*# talk Hamilton Porter. He's my hero
  10. Also just FYI tonight will be #77 which is also Flexen's Jersey number. The universe wanted this to happen
  11. We would all lose weight with that diet. I've contemplated several times going on a diet - No booze - until the Sox are over .500 but I would like to drink at some point in the next 20 years and idk if that is feasible
  12. Just got home I was spending the evening with my parents, anything other than our usual suckage I missed?
  13. Beckham would be better than most of this lineup......... that's pretty fuckin sad
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