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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. They are playing 5D Chess and the Tigers are playing checkers
  2. Chuck said it was some sort of all time record but i forgot what he said.
  3. I believe Grady is now officially ahead of PedroL in successful challenges
  4. Robert seems to be growing on the bases. Feel like he gets at least 1 SB every game.
  5. I wish we had a forum member who was a "video guy" just do a compilation of golf swings/tennis swings/etc. I might be getting angry enough to do it myself.
  6. Anyone else watching DNC? Way more impressive than the Sox.
  7. Now we just need some Offense.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  8. I was doing the same for a few days. Avg, OBP, OBS, etc. etc. and I just got depressed and stopped even looking. You got a TI-83+ or what you using for ur calculations?
  9. It's being challenged. The Chinese stream must be blocking you. It was overturned.
  10. Robbie stop grunting, anyone can strike out 2/3 Sox batters.
  11. Robert on a pitch a foot outside and low: "Damn that looks sexy AF imma swing" Robert on a pitch down thee middle: "Damn i'm gonna take that for strike 3"
  12. I've never liked Robbie Ray and his family is a bunch of panzies, so going to pound the Sox ML today.
  13. Lol Brooksy, you made it easy, but you can have a bigger lead than 2 feet taking off 😆
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