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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. Absolutely. And with the trade deadline acquisitions, Eloy, Robert, and Grandal soon the pendulum will swing the other way. And swing very very hard.
  2. Seby --- it's the ball that has to go on the field not the bat. Good try though!
  3. They are finally starting to only allow Red lot holders to park in A,B,C. To this point I think they were letting anyone park in A,B,C regardless of cash/green/red. That's how it's been as far as I can remember so I have no problem with them enforcing it. Kinda sucks they started it in the middle of the season though.
  4. So now that Madrigal is gone do we move Moncada back to second next year and play Burger at third?
  5. "they" is TLR. Pretty standard move but just saying this for the haters.
  6. Not being called up. Potentially being traded hence the early pull
  7. All jokes above aside Vaughn doesn't make that play. Eloy had a great break and was much faster than AV would have been.
  8. Anyone have vids of the idiots running on the field? Hoping it will lessen my depression after the loss
  9. For the record I fucking LOVE Yermin. I was calling for him to be on the roster last year in lieu of Encarnacion after watching him in spring training. I bought a custom Mercedes jersey this April. My posts are just saying that this isn't a TLR issue. I hope he gets it figured out and has a few more years in the bigs.
  10. The fact you had to add "crusty old ass" tells me everything I need to know to about you to not respond. Totally unwarranted and irrelevant attack. Is the AAA manager at fault for the last month plus?
  11. Hit job trying to stir drama where there is none. Using old quotes when there are newer ones that are far more relevant. ESPN just mad that their beloved Yankees are trash.
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