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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. All things considered what a Grand hit by Zack! Yas!
  2. Thanks to all of the people who complained Leury was batting 5th!
  3. It's so sad Jason & Steve are still in Chicago. Seriously get your shit together NBC, they need to be at the game.
  4. Does anyone see a Burger HR prop on a sportsbook? They said +800 on the pregame show but I can't find it on PointsBet
  5. Pretty sure it still counts if Jose crosses home before he's forced at 2nd.
  6. Fuck Josh Donaldson and fuck all the Twins!!!
  7. Careful, we have soft mods who say we can't wish for this. Even though it's been in the game forever.
  8. I'm having a few "Soda Pops" with Buehrle
  9. $50 this is announced today (Monday) if anyone wants to take me up on it. (before 9)
  10. On a brighter note I have tix for tomorrow so I get bonus baseball
  11. We must have gone to different games last night. Every line seemed like it was 10-20+ mins long
  12. No line at the Beer cave for those trying to drink off the home run. Concourse lines seem long. Still no vendors going up and down the aisles
  13. Also RotoGrinders (MLB weather) just downgraded our game from Yellow to Green/Yellow FWIW.
  14. Hope you aren't sitting in the LF bleachers. Everywhere else has seemed to be ok so far this year.
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