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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. That was anomalous, usually 2 sometimes 3 with a dive like that.
  2. I bet at 7am before the Abreu news. Wish I would have waited closer to game time. oh well.
  3. Nicky with an RBI double: Few posters in this thread: "bUt iT wAsNt A hOmERuN. wE NeEd hOmErUnS fRoM hIs dRaFt pOsiTiTiON"
  4. I know the Cicadas are back but I don't think they were scoring 17 runs that inning.
  5. Nick says FUCK the haters!
  6. Can't wait to see this umps scorecard. If it's anything other than grade F I will protest...
  7. I think this was said earlier but Bacon is great on the Pregame/Postgame show.
  8. DAMN YOU! Wasn't combined but Rodon got 'er done.
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