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Everything posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. This may not be scientific but Gio is a southern Cali guy. He may just be having a rougher time with the cold. Just checked his splits and he had a rough start in early 2019 before he went on to be amazing the rest of the season. Obviously last year we started in the Summer so can't really compare. I'd give it another month or so before I start to worry.
  2. Take a few deep breaths next time you think about posting. Saying Keller is gonna have his “best start of the year” after 7 batters... lol. Give your enter key a break it’s gotta be close to broken with how quick and how often you b****.
  3. This is a quiet game thread for a Friday night. Assuming most posters still have PTSD from last game?
  4. Lol you call the first one a ball and the third one a strike?
  5. Gonna quote you on this for a dumb hot take. I'll revisit it in an hour or 2.
  6. No the moneyline just means you are betting straight up which team will win. Spread means your team has to win by x amount (or not lose by x amount) to win the bet. It makes more sense in other sports with higher scores like football or basketball but lets say you have a +5 spread on the Bulls tonight if they win or lose by 4 or less you will win the bet.
  7. Didn't mean this in a mean way. Look at the moneyline for the straight up "WIN" odds. The spread is different because the Sox have to Win by 2+ for it to hit (or Royals can lose by 1)
  8. Yup, if that's the case I'm vehemently against it.
  9. In the bridge phase, restaurants can increase indoor capacity to 30% and outdoor dining capacity to 50%; health and fitness centers, offices, personal care businesses, museums, spectator events, theaters and performing arts, and zoos can increase to 60% capacity. Meetings, conferences and conventions centers can increase capacity limits to the lesser of 1,000 people or 60% capacity. The bridge phase will last 28 days, Pritzker said, which is two coronavirus incubation cycles, for monitoring. If there is not a sustained increase in hospitalizations, hospital admissions for COVID-like illness, new cases or deaths over that 28-day period, the state will advance to Phase 5. With Thursday’s announcement, the target for Phase 5, a full reopening of the state with no capacity limits on businesses, would be Friday, June 11.
  10. You'd take Leury/Hamilton/Lamb PH over him?
  11. Yes I know I'm absolutely bat shit crazy but I like it. With the stipulation that his job is basically a mentor to all the young guys and help keep TLR awake in the dugout. RARE pinch hit and 1B starts.
  12. Yup, gave enough negative energy to get the double play. Fuck that dumb jingle
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