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Everything posted by Nokona

  1. Rays have the 2 best arms i nthe draft. Well then
  2. How the hell are they throwing to commercial now
  3. Baez sparks a bench clearing when Joe Musgrove...slides in at 2nd.... You can't make it up with these
  4. Absolutely horrendous slide by Rizzo
  5. A whole lot of people with degrees decided not to campaign in Wisconsin or Michigan a few years ago. If I were you I'd be hesitant to throw my lot in with them. They've become experts in failure. They prefer candidates who are careerists rather than progressives. And that's what keeps causing the party to lose. No, they'd prefer incrementalism to moral courage. Instead, anyone with an ounce of moral courage is cast off as an idealist and naive. Politics isn't for the careerists, it's a means of change and emancipation. And the people you're celebrating Reddy, aren't for any of that. For them, politics is to be done by the professional, by the "educated" and by seniority. Give me the Cynthia Nixons any day of the week. Andrew Cuomo's just the son of a better politican anyway.
  6. Why? This election is likely to be a blue wave. There should be plenty of opportunities to pick up far-left candidates. But the party isn't interested in that, they're interested in catering to their friends with big money. I'm not sure how this party has gone from supporting the working class to saying things like "I'm for the good billionaires." It's a disgrace. If we continue down this road we end up with half measures like Obamacare, a 1980s conservative health care plan. That's what this party is becoming: a party of Rockefeller Republicans.
  7. He gives me O Cab vibes
  8. You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe that lanyard has prevented oxygen from reaching your brain.
  9. They're more likely to call back up Rondon and have Yolmer play OF
  10. And yet, down 5-0 and with Tim the only hit they needed a spark somehow...
  11. Cease really impressed me. If he can throw that hook for strikes and locate the heat he is gonna be something.
  12. Can't blame them. As revenues go up they should either go into the pockets of the players or the fans.
  13. If it comes to it, the Sox better bite his hand off at the 1 year deal. It'd work out so well for both parties, Moose would probably have a better shot at the WS signing with the Sox. You'd almost certainly get 2nd round++ value
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