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Posts posted by Nokona

  1. I'm sorry guys, i blame the last two losses on myself. You see, i have a rally ritual that worked throughout the 9 game winstreak, both Frank walk-offs and every other minor rally we have had since the ASB. I turn on Farmer and Rooney and walk out of the room iwith the tv muted, yesterday i did it and then my dad turned it off while he put my brother to sleep. This was why we only scored 1 run the entire game, guess what was on when Graffy got on? And today i was at school and couldn't do anything. So Sorry.

  2. Which was your favorite game of the year so far?


    Mine would definately have to be the extra inning game against Minnie. From practically crying on the floor to jumping 20 feet in the air and going crazy when Paulie tied the game. And then Frank hit the walk off, beauty. Plus with the best call of the year:


    "And Thomas loses it into the night!"

  3. The team remains an enigma. Manager Jerry Manuel probably would be gone if he weren't signed through 2004. Williams concedes that "once or twice" he has been almost completely fed up. "There are times," he says, "when I can get on the same roller coaster as our fans."


    So, does that mean KW reads the forums round here?

  4. Who the f*** cares? So what a little girl got hit in the knee. Tell her daddy to catch the ball next time.


    My friend's mom got her eye lid ripped open on one of the seats in the upper deck two weeks ago, does that mean that the upper deck should be ripped apart? No. That's straight up retarded.

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