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A-Train to 35th

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Posts posted by A-Train to 35th

  1. 1 minute ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    Eloy cannot cover anything outer half of the plate. He's completely clueless about it and so is the staff apparently.

    His batting stance puts him at a disadvantage and the pitchers exploit it time and time again, that's why we see so many ground and pop outs.  Eloy get's lucky every once in awhile and connects, unfortunately it's usually with no-one on base.

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  2. On 11/19/2023 at 5:59 PM, South Side Hit Men said:

    Spoke with a consultant to the Bulls earlier in the year, and had to laugh at some of the dumbass s%*# going on there.

    Cubs have the best chance to do something this decade. Hawks have better ownership at this stage, but their FO is untested and it will take at least 3-4 years to build a SC capable core if they do most things right from here on out.

    The Bears, Bulls and Sox need new ownership groups for any possible future success (completely new, not kids inheriting and keeping).

    I never liked him when he was with the Cubs but you have to feel sorry for Len Casper and his dream of calling a World Series game.  Not sure if doing Cubs radio was an option before he choose the Sox, but he misplayed that BIG TIME as the Cubs are on the right track back to the World series while the Sox are going nowhere fast.  

  3. 2 hours ago, WhiteSox2023 said:

    He stepped up and sucked.

    Aaron Bummer has pitched 12 innings this year and he still sucks, yes the Sox got garbage back but at least they can be considered filler by eating up innings and playing in the field regardless if Nicky Lopez ever gets a RBI.  The 5 players combined have logged a lot of innings compared to Bummers 12 and are nothing more than filler until the farm arrives or JR opens his purse for some better players.  Until then I'll take 5 fillers over Bummer any day.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 13 hours ago, fathom said:


    If you believe Bob then you're losing touch with reality.  He's a mouthpiece for the Sox and just posted that to draw interest on JR's orders no doubt.  C'mon Fathom, you really believe there were teams interested in Bummer and were willing to give the Sox something of value in return?

  5. 24 minutes ago, WhiteSox2023 said:

    Lopez is earning $4.3 million.

    Soroka is earning $3 million.

    Shuster is earning $740,000.

    Shewmake is earning $740,000.

    That’s a total of $8.8 million in bad money cuz they are all terrible.  Try again.

    More players is not always better, especially when it is more BAD players.

    I'm not going to argue, but you mentioned 3 players and those 3 players salary is less than Bummers.  Do the math.

    Soroka is earning $3 million.

    Shuster is earning $740,000.

    Shewmake is earning $740,000.

    My point is, I would have traded Bummer for a bag of balls as many others on this site stated. Instead we got back 5 warm bodies which IMO is still better than watching Bummer Sh**t in his pants and blow another lead.   Tell me exactly what other offers were out there for Bummer.  Do you really think any team would give up a prospect for him?

  6. 9 hours ago, DoUEvenShift said:


    Dodged a bullet with TA!!! (Ignore the other guys)

    At the beginning of their careers with the White Sox they were handed a  playbook titled "The White Sox Way" and told to read and study it as they would be expected to follow the the rules and play ball the White Sox way.

  7. 1 hour ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    How is that not a balk? I don't get it.

    I didn't see it but a balk can be called with no runners on base.   Rule 6.02(a)(5) Comment: A quick pitch is an illegal pitch. Umpires will judge a quick pitch as one delivered before the batter is reasonably set in the batter's box. With runners on base the penalty is a balk; with no runners on base, it is a ball.

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  8. 3 hours ago, wegner said:

    Whatever, I guess. To be honest though, it is a little sad that he thought he needed to stop or was told to stop.

    And yet that fucking, bullshitty crappy ass damn Nationwide jingle lives on.....damn haters!!!

    I'll take south Side Stand Up! any day over Go Cubs Go, which makes no sense to sing after a win with the line Hey, Hey what do you say the Cubs are going to win today, When it's sung after they already won the game,  so they can't win another unless it's a double header.

    • Haha 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, Falstaff said:

    Dan Berstein is a giant boob, I totally stopped listening to sports radio during Spring Training and haven't missed it at all.   

    The only good feeling I get about Chicago sports radio is that Hub Arkush has made a recovery from his stroke.

    My only question is why did it take you so long to stop listening to Chicago Sports radio.  There all a bunch of whiners and loud mouth A-holes.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 13 hours ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    f*** that yankees fan. Dude has gotten too big for his britches lately. He thinks he's more relevant than he is. Dude, you're popular because you made funny lip reading videos. Nobody thinks you're a real baseball authority.

    Also, just imagine how much MLB would be getting killed if the ball slipped out of a hand and affected the game or a guy got seriously hurt? It's not an easy call. I'm going to lean on better safe than sorry every time. 

    I thought he did a nice job breaking down the Astro's cheating scandal, but it seems like you have other issues with Jomboy.  My advice, don't sweat the small stuff, it's really not that important and he's just making the most of social media.

  11. On 4/18/2024 at 10:55 PM, Lip Man 1 said:

    An except from my history of SportsVision which will be included in Dr. Fletcher's next book on the White Sox which comes out next year:

    One Man Remembers 

    Mike Leiderman came to Chicago in the late 1970’s working at WMAQ-TV doing sports, then went on to host “PM Magazine.” But his heart was still in sports and when the opportunity came to go to SportsVision as the main anchor (Duane Dow, formerly of WLS-TV sports, worked weekends) he jumped at it. 

    “I was talking with a station in Cleveland about hosting a morning show along the lines of what Phil Donahue was doing when SportsVision became an option,” he said when I spoke with him. 

    “Merle Harmon, who did the Milwaukee Brewers for years, was the first anchor but he left and they wanted a replacement. They were paying real money and offered me a good deal so I signed up with them. I was contracted to work 200 days a year for them so that left me opportunities to do play by play and other things. My family and I loved Chicago and we wanted to stay here. It also gave me an opportunity to keep doing what I loved, which was sports. Even though it was new we just didn’t think about not making it. Everyone who worked there realized it was going to be a slow growth process.” 

    But ownership apparently did not and on December 31,1983 the plug was pulled on it. It was a group decision to sell back the rights among the owners of SportsVision which included Einhorn, Reinsdorf, Chicago Sting owner Lee Stern and Bill and Arthur Wirtz of the Blackhawks.

    Leiderman was asked when employees began to suspect something wasn’t right and issues were developing. “It was about the time we starting seeing ads in newspapers for decoder boxes!” he said laughingly. “Instead of paying for the converter box and the hook-up fees people were just buying those boxes for like 10 dollars and watching at home. It was problematic for us.”

    The fact that people were buying those boxes did provide perhaps the most memorable line in the entire SportsVision experience. It came on December 31, 1983 during the final show. Leiderman was hosting with Eddie Einhorn as his guest. Mike looked into the camera and said, “Those who are watching us in the piracy of their homes…” as Einhorn started to laugh. 

    Asked if he had any regrets Leiderman said, “No, I don’t regret it. We were the first station in the country devoted totally to our teams, we weren’t at the mercy of anything else, we were different, unique and you look around today and you realize all the regional sports channels started with us. I enjoyed it, worked with great people and it enabled me to stay in Chicago. I’m thankful for that.” 

    Over time both Eddie Einhorn and Jerry Reinsdorf commented on SportsVision, the idea, the execution and the aftermath; Einhorn in particular defended the decision telling Logan, “If you want people to come, you can’t give the product away. That’s the way it’s been done everywhere else except Chicago for years. The best organizations, the ones that draw the most people at the gate, don’t go that way. They have limited TV.” 

    Reinsdorf though understood the reality of the situation when in 2004 at a luncheon promoting the start of the new Comcast Sports Network-Chicago regional channel he said, "Unfortunately, Chicago wasn't ready for us. There wasn't cable of any consequence, and we were on subscription pay-TV. I don't remember how many subscribers there were, but I know that more than that number went to Radio Shack and bought the parts for their own boxes." 

    How to sum up the experiment known as SportsVision? 

    Well you could do a lot worse than to say, ‘A brilliant idea that simply was ahead of its time, limited by historical factors as well as technological shortcomings.’


    And one item about the cost:

    "At the time of launching, it cost most fans $50 just to get it installed as it required a special descrambler, not counting the monthly fee which varied from system to system."


    Do you know you can adjust the font size on your copy and paste articles so there not so long. The drop down is labeled "size" and is located at the top, 3rd from the left.  This advice coming from the person who posted an X article that included multiple pages of pictures that clogged up SoxTalk.

    ; )

  12. 11 hours ago, Buehrle>Wood said:

    It's an outside sport lol. There will be outside factors. You are complaining about a tantrum while going on a tantrum. This team is 20 games under .500. Just finish the game. Don't make us wait 2-3 hours. 

    Wasn't watching the game but I saw the highlights this morning, and YES they absolutely should have called it and IMO before it even got to the last batter, Brebbia was tucking the ball between his legs to keep it dry.  Unsafe and I'm sure there was lightening strikes in the area also, and as others pointed out it was worse for the defense.

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