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  1. Are the White Sox on any of the top International players expected to sign in January, 2025?
  2. i could be TOTALLY off on this but i don’t think this guy ever worked out during the off-season, i think he was flat out lazy. Baseball is a game that once you start struggling, it’s very hard to turn it around. A total waste!!
  3. Overall the Gonzalez experience in Double A hasn’t gone to well, is it to early to say he’s a “non-prospect” at this time?
  4. You could not have said this any better
  5. Johno


    i’m not sure anyone can answer that question. The key is going to be players like Ramos, Fletcher, Lee, Baldwin, Robert, Vaughn and Sheets can they become better at hitting? if they are struggle again next year, it’s going to be another ugly season. If they all can improve, maybe a 60 to 70 win team.
  6. Johno


    is Robert even a top 100 player? At this time i would say no
  7. Watching the full interview with Getz, the only conclusion i can make is that he’s completely lost his marbles. Look at the minor league stats, there is no immediate help coming this way on the position side. i almost feel sorry for him!!
  8. I’ve been really disappointed with his bat. i follow college baseball and i was impressed what he did at Arkansas, he just hasn’t done it for the Sox. i personally think he takes WAY too many pitches. Also, he’s always behind in the count.
  9. Unless they make some major changes with him, he should not be considered a prospect anymore
  10. So help me understand, will there be replacement hires or are they just reducing the scouting department with no plans to replace?
  11. Johno

    First Move

    Spot on with number 9 and 10. 50% reduction in ticket prices would help fill the seats. Yes, MLB needs to step up and help this pitiful organization and give them the first pick in the draft. Maybe even the first 5 picks😄
  12. Johno

    First Move

    You might be right, he might want nothing to do with this total train wreck, but just maybe a guy like Franconia feels that this is the ultimate challenge and turning this team into a winner would be extra special.
  13. When this horrific season finally ends, i believe the first move this organization needs to do is hire a manager that is respected by everyone in MLB. I would say Terry Franconia is that guy. For those who say fire Getz and the entire front office, i think we all realize that’s not going to happen, so i’m going to pivot to the manager. This team has basically become the laughing stock of ALL of sports at this time, that’s why bringing in a manager that is respected by all must take place for us to have any chance of landing any sort of free agent talent in the offseason.
  14. Spot on!!!! If we landed some soon to be ready talent in any of these trades, I’d have some optimism. By the way, Check out the batting average of the outfielder we landed in the Cease trade, he’s batting about 150…… just brutal
  15. Seeing the talent on Baltimore versus the garbage we are throwing out there is almost unbelievable. The entire organization needs to be blown up and start all over again.
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