QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 09:42 PM)
Needs more restholds!
Workrate. Workrate. Workrate.
I understand being a heel and using moves like the cravate (i.e. Chris Hero) for the sole purpose of pissing off the fans but even heels know that there are times where they gotta step up their A game and put the restholds to the side except for the times that they are appropriate -- i.e. to rest. I don't think Randy got that memo yet.
It's amazing that great heels of the past, Rude-Flair-Perfect-etc, used rest hold of some sort and were still very good.
I admit Orton is not that great on the mic, but to knock the guy cuz he uses headlocks just irritates me. Especially when his finisher effects the head. It's ring psychology.