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Everything posted by Brian

  1. With ECW getting Benoit and losing Lashley, I may have to start watching ECW more. If they can get one more pick and have it be a legit talent like Shelton Benjamin, that would be sweet. Cena and Lashley on Raw makes me bored thinking about it.
  2. Seattle led Cleveland 7-0....Tribe ties it at 7 in the bottom of the 8th.
  3. I like how mellow I can be after a Sox loss if I don't watch it, except for a few clicking on and offs. 2 scoreless innings by the bullpen? Weeeee.
  4. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 08:48 PM) SmackDown was actually a pretty entertaining show to watch -- moreso than Raw recently -- because they are allowing a heel to have a long run with the belt. This raid on their talent though is really stumping me. What the Hell are they going to do with Khali and Torrie? AGreed. Smackdown has been better for the past few months. I would LOVE to see HBK get drafted to Smackdown, but that won't happen. SD needs to get a big name as does ECW, even though I love the Benoit jump there. I'm expecting one of the Hardy's to get drafted so they can be together and not jump brands every week. P.S. I liked the Benoit/Lashley match, even though Lashley sold the germans like he was a log.
  5. I like that Chase didn't treat the audience like idiots. To kill of Tony would of made the whole series irrelevant. Why do we need something huge to happen at the end? Why can't he just be shown that life goes on?
  6. QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 10:17 PM) LOL, what did he say? At first he warned both teams after Lilly hit Renteria, than for no reason, turned around and tossed him a minute later. Lou kept asking why he tossed him and the ump was like, "He threw at him. I know he did." Just way off base.
  7. Brian

    The Sopranos

    QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 10:18 PM) I loved it. John from Cincinnati...not so much. (And I actually was kinda psyched to see a surfer show...for some odd reason...) One interesting take I've read is that we should think of it as Tony's death. "You probably don't even hear it when it happens." Hence the cut and the silence. It's a neat thought, anyway. That is a very interesting take on the cut to black. They have said that the last few episodes. I was gonna watch John from Cincinatti but it didn't get good reviews from what I saw.
  8. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 06:29 PM) Whoooo....came back from Vegas...up 100 bucks Big spender!
  9. What a dumbass home umpire in the Cubs/Atlanta game. He was mic'd when he threw Lilly out.
  10. Brian

    The Sopranos

    QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 09:41 PM) I liked it as well. I first had to make sure that Comcast didnt f*** up. Ha, same here. Exactly when the screen went to black, I reclined my chair. I thought I hit the remote or something.
  11. Brian

    The Sopranos

    QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 09:29 PM) Not sure what was behind that deal with Meadow. Chase was telling us that women drivers suck.
  12. Brian

    The Sopranos

    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 09:22 PM) So I'm the only one that thought it was outstanding? Tony is about to be indicted and probably go to prison but everything is just peachy to him because he's on top, he won. His family is safe from danger, healthy and well on their way to big things and even more importantly legitimate big things. He makes it through the biggest war yet with his family fully intact and proporous. The tension created in the final scene was epic, amazing work. My feelings exactly. Not only the tease with the guy at the counter and everyone walking in, but Meadow having to repeatedly parallel park. Alternate Endings on the DVD maybe. Sepinwall is having an interview with Chase up this week. Hopefully he will get back to me and I'll be able to have Sepinwall on the show.
  13. Brian

    The Sopranos

    QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 09:17 PM) I just laughed at the "worse than the Seinfeld finale" comment... Yeah. I didn't hate the Seinfeld finale, but this was nowhere near that bad. Any theories on the cat?
  14. Brian

    The Sopranos

    QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 09:13 PM) In the last episode, Phil Leotardo is killed, while Tony seems to have hidden successfully. He comes out of hiding to spend time with his family in a restaurant in the last few minutes of the final episode, while suspicious-looking assailents enter the building, possibly to do something dramatic in order to kill Tony. There is then a minute or so of a black screen before the credits, so that what happened is not actually established. Worse than the Seinfeld Finale. From wikipedia.com Wikipedia? Pah-lease. I'm looking forward to Sepinwall's write up. I think the guy walking past the table to the bathroom signified that the paranoia with NY is gone. We see it at the end of movies all the time.
  15. Brian

    The Sopranos

    Loose ends were tied up with Phil being killed and the agreement with NY, AJ seemingly becoming happy and having a future, Meadow with her career, Carm with the spec houses, Junior's money will go to Bobby's kids, Both Tony's families go on. Only thing not closed was Carlo and the case that is seemingly coming against Tony.
  16. Brian

    The Sopranos

    And the annoying rumors of a movie hopefully being made begin. That is what I figured Chase would do. Leave the end open for interpretation. Anyone see the movie "Limbo"?
  17. Brian

    The Sopranos

    Just watched last weeks episode to get ready. There was some subtle things that I noticed about Paulie's behavior. We'll see.
  18. QUOTE(Purdue129 @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 04:40 PM) So last night's Dragon/Nigel match will be part of the 2nd ROH PPV, which means the Dragon/KENTA match in a few weeks here will be DVD only. Pretty interesting way to do it, but the match last night was a supposedly a MOTY candidate. And in completely unsurprising news, the Briscoes were involved in another fantastic match, this time with the KOW. The schedule for the 1st PPV is here: http://www.indemand.com/viewProductShowtim...mp;prodId=65878 What is the match line up for the 1st PPV?
  19. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) There was a great part of Impact on Thursday between Nash and Black Machismo... Black Machismo: "Yeah! Slammiversary is near!" Kevin Nash: "Do you even know who you got?" BM: "Mmmhmmm! Snake Roberts!" KN: "No, you don't have Snake Roberts, you got Sabin." [pause] BM: "but Snake Roberts ruined my wedding..."
  20. Brian

    The Sopranos

    Tonight! My prediction is whatever happens, some will like it and some will hate it!
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