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Everything posted by Brian

  1. One of the more overrated, arrogant, loud mouth, team cancers retires and joins ESPN's NFL crew. Link
  2. I watch it for the highlights of all the games. I don't have a problem with any of the analysts really. Phillips get a little long winded at times though. But yeah, when NY and Boston play, turn it on 15 minutes in.
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 23, 2007 -> 07:54 AM) Daily News reporting that Giambi flunked a test for amphetimenes within the last year. If this is true, then he is one hell of a person to be saying that everyone needs to apologize for what they did, considering he was still doing performance enhancing drugs. Oops. The amphetimes thing is kind of a gray area with me. Can they seperate coffee from something illegal in those tests? Wish he and Roger Clemens would just go away.
  4. QUOTE(Purdue129 @ May 22, 2007 -> 09:25 PM) Happy Birthday to the Best Wrestler in the World! Thought HBK's birthday was in the summer.
  5. I don't like Sisco's release point. Looks like he tries to aim the ball rather than just throwing it. He looked so good his first year with KC as well.
  6. Tribe fans will be on Wedge tonight. Unless he was hurt, to pull Carmona after 70 pitches and than let the bullpen give up the lead the very next inning to the Royals. yikes.
  7. That doesn't look like Heath Ledger, or am I off base?
  8. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 22, 2007 -> 09:02 PM) Jesus didn't fish low and away. You trying to tell me Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?
  9. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 22, 2007 -> 08:53 PM) I'd love to read the Randy Orton bio. "Stealing Bags...And Pooping In Them" - Randy Orton Or "Chinlocks, C*nts, and RKO's." I can make fun of one of my favs as well.
  10. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ May 22, 2007 -> 08:07 PM) What are some good tell all books? Is HBK's any good? The only two "autobiographies" i read and did NOT like were The Rock Says and the Steve Austin book. Austin doesn't go into much detail about things, just touches on them and the Rock was in character. Hardcore Diaries was lackluster as well. I liked HBKs a lot and the first two Foley ones. Flairs was a good read as well. I'd like to read Dynamite Kids someday.
  11. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 22, 2007 -> 07:57 PM) How much editing? All I remember is that in the middle of some matches there is the static effect and it jumps forward. Get it for as cheap as you can.
  12. Boston may have been throwing games to get the #1 pick and they don't even end up with a top 3. Ouch.
  13. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 22, 2007 -> 07:29 PM) Rise and Fall of ECW DVD on sale for $10. Lots of wrestling merch for the cheap on WWEShop.com currently... w00t. The documentary is good but the matches are edited.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ May 22, 2007 -> 07:26 PM) I couldn't tell if Dye hit that hard enough to get out. I love having Thome back! Really? I though it was gonna be farther than it was.
  15. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 22, 2007 -> 03:37 PM) Gots it. Right now, sites are saying S6 should be out in the fall, and S7 might be out as soon as a week after the finale. When I go back to Bloomington on Thursday, I will start watching a couple episodes a night, starting from the beginning through the end of S5. My lame excitement for the summer. I pre-ordered it off Amazon a few weeks ago. Usually when I do that, it arrives at my house on the day of the release but still in route.
  16. QUOTE(longshot7 @ May 22, 2007 -> 05:49 PM) the Punk/Burke match at JD was very good, but it could've benefited from a video package introducing the feud. The crowd was polite, but I'm not sure they knew who the two guys were. Vince is killing me. Raw was unwatchable last night. I taped Raw cuz I was at the Sox game and Fast forwarded through it in like 20 minutes. Do not gt showcasing Lashley on Raw when he is an ECW talent.
  17. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 22, 2007 -> 01:21 PM) WHo gives a s*** about the feelings of our back up QB. Is McNabb better than both Qb's on our team? Yes. ^^^^^^ Griese signed here to be the back up, so if he is gonna cry about it, forget him.
  18. Hang in there, Nuke. 3 of my buddies just joined the army and are 3 weeks into boot camp.
  19. Sweet thread idea, even though I only play sports games. I like Grand Theft Auto but never could get 100%. Anyone? Or is 08 coming out soon?
  20. QUOTE(Soxfest @ May 22, 2007 -> 12:18 PM) I grow tired of Steph and Shane they have NO other qualifications than the lucky sperm winner. Wrestlers in the back make fun of how truly clueless both are in the real world called life. I think it is Steph more than Shane. Sounds like WWE is turning into the WCW of old where unless you are "in" and a old veteran, you won't succeed.
  21. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ May 22, 2007 -> 11:38 AM) I HIGHTLY doubt this. Bears don't want a QB controversy. Rex is the man. Whatever, include Rex in the deal if you have to. I don't hate Rex like a lot of people but he is no McNabb when Donovan is healthy.
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