The theatre in Gurnee, as far as Grindhouse goes, gives you the option of seeing the entire double feature, or either of the movies. All the same price, so not sure who would turn down two movies for the prove of 1. Some people did, because about 6 or 7 people walked in during the trailers before Death Proof.
I liked the Grindhouse experience. I was entertained by both movies, althought Death Proof had too much dialogue at times, but damn, Rosario Dawson makes me feel kind of funny.
I noticed a lot of omages in Death Proof. The long take around the table as the girls eat a la Reservoir Dogs and the Big Kahuna Burger mention.
I think if people understand was Rodruiguez and Tarantino are doing, they will enjoy it. If you are going looking for art and Oscar worthy filmmaking, you are in the wrong movie.
Death Proof came off as a short movie by Tarantino. Car chases were awesome.
FU MANCHU looks like a great character!