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Everything posted by Brian

  1. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Oct 25, 2005 -> 09:11 PM) Hey! Ate Quatros tonight. Medium Pizza deal. Good stuff Loved Quatros, but not so much 2nd day. Crust gets hard in the microwave.
  2. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 25, 2005 -> 09:07 PM) Wanna order me some quatros?? /drool Tried Italian Village yet? It is like 80% grease. Loved it.
  3. SIU picked to finish 3rd in the MVC behind Northern Iowa and Creighton. They were picked to finish almost last last year and we know what went down. Jamal Tatum named to preseason all conference team.
  4. Only in Houston do you get a standing ovation for blowing a 4-0 lead.
  5. Tex, you have to go tomorrow if the Sox hold on!!!
  6. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Oct 25, 2005 -> 08:40 PM) I saw that. From Garner I read his lips saying, "You fat f***." and Carl said something like "You f***ing motherf***er." You could definately say it was a heated argument. If Garner did indeed say that, that is like the pot calling the kettle black.
  7. I like Carl's spirit, but Oswalt obviously wasn't throwing at Crede in that situation.
  8. Thank God! An entire video montage on the foul ball that the ump said hit Dye! WOOHOO!
  9. Unfortunatly, that hill is going nowhere unless someone seriously gets hurt because of it.
  10. Not surprised nor does it bother me. The winning team still gets a ring.
  11. Are they taking Stern off early like other stations across the country?
  12. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 02:03 PM) New Trier's coming to get ya. For real? Cuz looking at the brackets, Week 2 could be a Maine South vs. Warren rematch than Week 3 would be Warren vs. Stevenson. Just saw you guys would play Stevenson in round 2 if both schools won. That would be an awesome game.
  13. How come we don't see replay after blown up replay of Berkman not even tagging Iguchi on the pick off? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  14. Astros got as many calls as we did in the NLCS. Screw em.
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Oct 23, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) WHAT THE f***? EDINGER NEVER EVEN KICKED A f***ING KICKOFF THAT FAR FOR THE BEARS He has always kicked well in domes, if memory serves.
  16. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  17. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 23, 2005 -> 12:35 PM) We were joking that Bernie Mac showed up with a Sox, Cubs and Astros jersey. He'd change into a different one depending on the situation. Bernie Mac has always been a Sox fan, like when he sang the 7th inning stretch in 2003, he never said "Root Root Root for the Cubbies." I never saw him in an Astros jersey. Now the dude from the Simpsons was just blatant promotion.
  18. Anyone see that new commercial for Gatorade where they edited historic sports events, like Jordan missed the shot vs. Cleveland, Jeter's flip to Posada was late, and Clark did not catch the Montana pass in the end zone? That was cool how they used other game footage to edit it in. Something about how you can be just a bit off if you don't drink Gatorade. If you haven't seen it, watch out for it.
  19. QUOTE(qwerty @ Oct 22, 2005 -> 09:21 PM) I like jenks but he scares me every single time he comes in. I think that is a natural feeling for any closer.
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