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Everything posted by Brian

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 05:50 PM) LMFAO.... YOu guys wanted Konerko gone, and now you get to see what the line up looks like without him I'm sure everyone wanted to replace him with Blum.
  2. Finally got the hang of the new controls. I want to get good with QB Vision for ego purposed. I play on All-Pro and through 8 games with da Bears, I am giving up 1.7 pts on average. I'm getting the hang of the offense. I like how you can throw the ball high. I do that to Muhsin and he almost always catches it.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 01:04 PM) It's all over eBay if you are looking for some. So you're telling me I'm fat? Well I never...
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 12:34 PM) I took some stuff a couple years ago when I was looking to get lean. It had ephedra in it and one thing I remember is that it gave me the energy to run a lot longer. I went from 2 miles to 4 in less than 2 weeks with ease. Ephedra in a weight loss pill, a la Stacker 2 or Hydroxcut worked wonders when I took it years ago. The ban of ephedra ruined that stuff and made it worthless. Just not the same. I read a few months ago that the ban on ephedra was lifted, but is very controlled now. Not over the counter.
  5. As hard as it is to feel bad for these guys who test positive, I would feel bad for Eck because he is going through a lot of family junk off the field. Him testing positive could expose a hole in the system. Maybe there is something in a brand of protien that is showing up. MLB needs to educate all the players on this. Not just the Latin guys, everyone.
  6. Story Link FCC will be watching lots o hockey this season.
  7. Court TV had some of the sentancing trial today. Showed family members giving speeched about their loses and such.
  8. I see Steff's company really knows how to put people to work.
  9. Glad I missed the game. Got in my car to hear the "We Want Griffey" chants.
  10. Can't keep trucking Ozuna out to 3rd. He is out of his element there.
  11. After last nights marathon, I'm guessing Widger is catching.
  12. Never made one before, maybe I can stop the skid. Hopefully we can break those brooms, turn em sideways, and shove up some Twinie buttocks. I'll actually miss the game cuz our Summer Basketball League playoffs start tonight. Our first game is at 6:15, we should blow them out, but our second game is at 8:15 and it will be a barn burner. I'll set my timer in case something happens I would want to see.
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:41 AM) LMAO Brian.. you need to get out of the house a bit more. You're not joking, Steff Diddy. Or do you prefer S. Diddy?
  14. I'm putting "Diddy" in everyone's name now. Steff Diddy Grease Diddy South Diddy Chi Diddy Fla Diddy Gleas Diddy Win Diddy Bri Diddy
  15. How can a guy with so little talent be so rich?
  16. Brian

    Celebrity Crush

    QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 04:49 PM) I didn't wade through the whole thread, but here goes: I'm a wee bit more aged than most of you, though. Julianne Moore is the goods.
  17. Brian

    Is it possible...

    I get calf and shin soreness a lot. Not sure if that is what you are experiencing. Usually goes away in a day or so. If it lingers for longer than a day or so, I'd get it checked out.
  18. Just got it today and haven't turned it on yet. I looked through the manual, probably only person to do that, and it looks confusing as hell with the new stuff.
  19. I do know that Dan Patrick's radio deal runs out at years end, so the 12-3 slot may go local soon which would be nice.
  20. How do you guys get the border like that?
  21. QUOTE(Fotop @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:21 PM) Now THAT's a Sig. Cheers. Thanks. Oh, you're not talking about mine?
  22. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:59 PM) I enjoy listening to them simply for entertainment value Me too. And why would someone say that they don't know a single Sox fan that listens to B&B? They are both Sox fans and have publicly said so.
  23. Think it copyright infringment if it is cut and paste here. It is just 100 words on how the Sox can win, saying they will only go as far as their pitching will take them cu the lineup isn't dominating. Has paragraphs for about 8 teams like that.
  24. Didn't he have two good starts before this vs. good teams. Why can't we get kids like this?
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