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Everything posted by Brian

  1. QUOTE(That funky motion @ Jul 30, 2005 -> 12:06 AM) Has the shift ever worked for us? No more shift!! I don't ever recall being killed by the shift.
  2. Gooch needs to come up with that Raffy grounder.
  3. Sad stuff. Looked her up and she is very beautiful. Forget people like that are human and have problems as well.
  4. Brian


    Our neighbors have these two big dogs that bark at 5am every morning and I hate it, but would never ask them to do a surgery that would make a dog stop barking. That is kind of cruel.
  5. Damn, no Mr. Skin log ins.
  6. I saw the play, he wouldn't of been able to catch it. It was just pver Rodruigez head at 2nd base.
  7. Now that Frank is done this year, something has to be done.
  8. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 29, 2005 -> 06:17 PM) Yeah this blows. Now we definitely need a bat. Rowand, BMac, Sweeny for Manny? Starting point anyway?
  9. F*ck. My idol growing up and the past few years have been tough to watch. I want him to get to 500 homers in a Sox uni, but unless he is gonna take a LOT less money, probably won't happen.
  10. His ego is his problem. He said he has "family commitments" that day, which is BS because when you have his role, you know when the HOF inductions are and would NOT make plans.
  11. Brian

    Discovery's Trip

    These pictures of the earth are amazing.
  12. Brian

    Discovery's Trip

    QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 29, 2005 -> 02:54 PM) They are showing the footage of the tiles this morning, checking for damage. Earlier they had the robotic arm out and were testing it for the walk. Very cool. What are these tiles anyway?
  13. Brian

    Bad Album Covers..

    I bet at the time they seemed creative and eye catching.
  14. Saw it on Fox News. Lots of awful things happening this year.
  15. Everett, BMAC, Sweeney, ? for Ramirez. He would be our DH and would kill in our home park. Actually, there is no chance in hell Everett goes back to Boston. Not gonna happen though.
  16. A woman you can shut up with the click of a button, I love it!
  17. Brian

    Discovery's Trip

    I love how that NASA control room looks like a Vegas Sports Book. Is NASA TV on Digital Cable? I think I have seen it before but can't find it now.
  18. Brian

    Discovery's Trip

    WHat channel is NASA TV? Can't find it on my listings.
  19. Don't be pissed at KW if nothing happens. Takes two parties to get something done and history shows KW goes to great lengths to make moves. We all know he is trying.
  20. Brian

    Laguna Beach..

    QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 09:55 PM) I was gonna ask if anyone was watching that.. I saw the first night, then the last 5 minutes last night. I thought they were voting that Kazar guy off the first week..??? Too many reality shows on. :wacko Nope. They made the mistake of voting that one girl, Ashlea off instead because she was "annoying" instead of the smart guy, Kaysar. Last week, Kaysar's secret partner, Michael, was voted off and than Kaysar dramatically won Head of Household and threw a wrench into everything. He went back on his word and convinced 4 others to go with him against this group of sheep and their leader, Eric. Tuesday night was like a movie and the one alliance started noticing they were getting screwed. Funny stuff.
  21. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 10:08 PM) Is that a martini glass... ?? Yes. I'll make another with your favorite beverage if you'd like. Just let me know what.
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