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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Beckett pulled with a back problem. We may of caught a huge break.
  2. Awesome if true! I am not really surprised cuz when i has my knee scoped, they said I could play ball again in 8 weeks and I was back in 3. Modern medicine is amazing.
  3. Some of those are good, but Seattle did some hilarious ones a few years ago. One had Moyer using a radar gun fron Europe so it reads 98 or 99 and ends with him going, "Oo La La!"
  4. That's an awesome avatar, Cali. And some people said you weren't creative! jk
  5. Brian

    My cat, Sox

    I'd name 'em Buehrle, Esty, Garland, Shoey, and TBA
  6. With the new cable deal, that gives Reiny a lot more money as well. Will he use it the right way? We shall see.
  7. No matter if I agree with Moore or I do, his documentary's are entertaining and well made films. As a film buff, of course I will see it. I know little about politics and that will not sway my decision to see it or agree with it.
  8. Brian

    Field of Dreams

    Cali, See the new trailer for Garden State at apple.com?
  9. Brian


    MY ARETNAS!!!!
  10. Brian

    Field of Dreams

    Field of Dreams SE DVD I'm tired of helping you out to get info, Steff. Sheesh!
  11. What time does this "bad boy" start? I got nothing else to do today.
  12. Anyone know of realtime PBP of the draft? I'm assuming MLB.com will.
  13. Sheesh, I hope I'm ALIVE to see it.
  14. Top notch finale, IMO. SPOILERS BELOW>>> NY getting taken down was huge. Tony knocked off his cousin for no reason now. Thought Christopher was in trouble, but to no avail. Now we have to wait like another year for the final season.
  15. Documentary basically follows them around. Begins when Kirk quit, goes through the making of St. Anger. Lots of fights and James going to rehab. Played at Sundance.
  16. I think she has issues about being alone.
  17. They probably don't need your help breaking up. It will be sooner than later. Looking forward to seeing that documentary on them, "Some Kind Of Monster". Hopefully it will come to Chicago at some point.
  18. Alterbridge is now cursed. They should be breaking up in about 3, 2, 1......
  19. Any predictions? I'm going out on a limb and say we will see the last of Meadow tonight. Johnny Sack threatened to attack Tony's family. Which one though? This season they set up Meadow with this bright future about getting engaged and going to Law school, but have seen little since. I'm probably wrong but it is set up for something to happen. I really shouldn't get my hopes up for some cliffhanger, because they rarely have done that. The show seems to be more of one big story at times rather then seperate seasons. Things maybe held off to the final season to be wrapped up, whenever that may be.
  20. Of course I'll be watching, except from 8pm to 9pm, the channel goes to HBO for obvious reasons.
  21. Grew up a Wolverines fan. Illini is in 3rd behind SALUKI'S!!!!
  22. Goldmember=JINX! Creed, They Gawn!
  23. Date? Nah. One night stand. Sure!
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