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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I saw everything but Shield match. Doesnt sound like I need to go back to watch. I The 4 way US match and 3 way title match were excellent. Never thought I'd see Kofi this over but here we are. Hope they're able to get some steam behind SETH v Brock going forward.
  2. Usually I like the MVC for a first round upset or even 2nd. I had Loyola in sweet 16 last year. This year no chance.
  3. I usually hate when movie crowds erupt in applause in theatre but this one was cool.
  4. Us at 100% with 33 reviews
  5. Are we really debating Snell vs MCW? I mean I'm still bitter we drafted Snell over Hardaway Jr though.
  6. It was fun but not great. Alot of the 90s gags are solid, others are too much. The Marvel signature at the beginning was all Stan Lee and was well done. Especially his in movie cameo. Id say more but don't want to throw spoilers out yet.
  7. Then why aren't you criticizing barstool for not responding to her request to take it down, which forced her to file the complaint?
  8. Evans, TY, and Amari are better than AB? You’re really whiffing on your takes the past few days.
  9. BS. They have social media people. They don’t use all content sent to them but the stuff they do, they should be crediting and doing research.
  10. Brian

    2019 Catch-All

    Yeah, especially at that age. A friend of our family got it when he was in his late 20s. He lasted a few years but it was rough. The guy was a star athlete and just withered away. Terrible disease.
  11. Ha Ha, Jimbo's Drinke! You didn't win conference! In your face! Oh wait...
  12. Kiwi, ask me to loan you $10. When I don't respond, What would you assume my response is? They used her content without credit. She filed her complaint. Stool should've just moved on. As if they don't get enough negative publicity.
  13. Some would think being ignored is the equivalent of saying "No thanks". I'm sure they would've kept contacting her as well to get rid of that Twitter strike.
  14. 87% on RT so far. Hope it has more rainbows and unicorns
  15. Going Thursday night after work. I'm so cool.
  16. This shakes me. I loved 90210. Only 52. Dude was a star.
  17. D’oh! Thought the Raiders pick was this year. I’ll leave
  18. Could Bryce Love drop to us in 2nd round? ACL recovery and all
  19. Me: This Saluki team lacks chemistry and Hinson sucks....but I could see us winning Arch Madness.
  20. It's a shame they'll win conference with that cupcake schedule. Michigan or Michigan state should won Big 10 tourney.
  21. I mean he signed a 13 year deal with no opt outs and a no trade, so I don't think this is the case.
  22. But she's so happy and in love! gag
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