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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 27, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) How come I've never been polled before. Noone in my family or in my neighborhood have ever been polled. The day I get polled is the day I believe one of these polls. http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/10728 This is strange. They usually indicate sample sizes.
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20050527/...ovoteforclinton -29% very likely to vote for Hillary -24% somewhat likely -39% not at all likely strong support up 8 points opposition support dropped 5 points
  3. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2005 -> 12:01 AM) What a bunch of horses*** this whole argument is. True It's amazing how a story about how newsweek f***ed up gets infinitely more coverage than the story of an innocent man being killed in US custody via his legs being beaten so badly that a clot stops his heart.
  4. Pierzynski looked a little bit peaved after the inning was over, probably his call or the Count shook him off.
  5. Doesn't look 5.7 or has blue eyes too me
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4581801.stm
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,157705,00.html
  8. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 25, 2005 -> 11:23 PM) He got whacked
  9. KipWellsFan


    QUOTE(Cy Garland @ May 25, 2005 -> 11:01 PM) No, ill have to look into it. Is it gunna be on ABC too? Uh-huh http://abc.go.com/primetime/schedule/2005-06/invasion.html Theres some video clips there
  10. Pictures from the first days of shooting. http://sopranosuessightings.com/Sightings/...ing5-9-2005.htm Also this guy, Lenny Venito is going to be playing a new character named Butter. Less than a year away!11!!!11!!!
  11. KipWellsFan


    QUOTE(Cy Garland @ May 25, 2005 -> 10:53 PM) I think they were "The Others" and they went out to stop the raft. That french lady said they were coming for "the boy" and everyone assumed it was Claires baby, but it was probably Walt. Good point. Did you see that commercial for Invasion? Looks interesting too and in the same vein as lost.
  12. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 25, 2005 -> 10:05 PM) http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/25/gitmo.quran/index.html This is what a bunch of detainees are saying. What a bunch of horses***. Leave it to you guys to believe the detainees over our own people. :rolly What they have is a bunch of nonsense from the likes of the ACLU and Amnesty International alleging all sorts of crap and with nothing to back it up. This is a non-story. But it's a real story when a 11 word sentence supposedly starts a riot half way across the world. Bull Who do I trust? A government who's completely delegitimized themselves with lies or a bunch of unnamed sources. I trust neither.
  13. KipWellsFan


    Yah I watched it. Do you think the guys on the boat are some pirates or do you think they're from the island. I'm thinking they were from the island with all these child kidnappings and why would they only take Walt.
  14. Lies http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4581383.stm
  15. Right now around 9 hours.
  16. They changed it. I've still seen holds awarded for terribly pitched situations like .1 IP 3 hits 2ER, I think. Anyone have a definition of a hold?
  17. look a this line for Rheal Cormier 0 IP 2H 2ER 1 Hold! they have got to change this stat, it's ridiculous as it is now http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/boxscore?gid=250524128
  18. Onion Rings on a burger, that's messed.
  19. I hate that 2nd hill on the 3rd map!
  20. QUOTE(MONT @ May 24, 2005 -> 10:17 PM) Get a life!! "Jew Want to Play with me, Jew want to play Ruff, Okay, Say Hello to My little friend"
  21. Fun game I struggled getting through the first 4 especially the third and then I got through 5 and 6 on the first try. Couldn't even get by the start of 7 and got a game over.
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