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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. It would be silly to cheer against the United States in Iraq. Unless the media has totally warped my mind in some way the insurgents are in the gravest way the bad guys, for lack of better term. Iraq becoming a fully developped democratic society would be the ultimate goal. I don't cheer for a bunch of allah fearing clowns who want to strip away all the progressive movements that a free people can make. Now are the United States under this administration the best choice for giving the population of Iraq this utopia? Clearly not, deal with your own problems of democracy first.
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...ram_050524.html The whole program is explained at the link.
  3. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ May 24, 2005 -> 12:16 PM) Just a little trim.... Summer Job Not safe for work! :puke
  4. QUOTE(qwerty @ May 23, 2005 -> 10:10 PM) Bump. lol
  5. Reynolds isn't much of a baseball commentator, it doesn't matter if he won 8 World Series. He's a dunce.
  6. Also the fans right above it weren't even mad. One guy disputed it for a second and then stopped. If it had been a homerun that part of the crowd would have been going nuts. Credespopup might be right, but the "shadow" is on the other side of the ball.
  7. KipWellsFan

    Hotel Rwanda

    Saw it a while back here's what I wrote about it in the Films thread
  8. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ May 22, 2005 -> 06:20 PM) We can thank bangbus.com for the win on Saturday! What are you talking about?
  9. I don't think they have to be too worried about it being downloaded off the internet.
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 22, 2005 -> 05:49 PM) I told he'd win it in the 11th. A leadoff triple is a game winning hit for sure. May not have been if Spivey didn't screw up.
  11. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 22, 2005 -> 04:15 PM) That article incited a bunch of people to riot so your attempt at sarcasm falls flat. If that led to the killings of 17 people, well imagine if it were proved true and an entire article was wrote about it. I've heard of irresponsible acts by media but this one doesn't exactly smack me in the face. It's important to note thought that the periscope section of their mag doesn't get enough editorial review and from now on I bet they'll make sure it does. Oh and it's a myth that the newsweek article started this riot
  12. Terry Stiffee grounds out keepin the brew crew alive!
  13. That Brady Clark sure is having a good season. Brewers probably aren't missing Pods all that much the way he's filled in.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050521/pl_nm/...california_dc_6
  15. Just watched The Hunting of the President. This movie would embarass anyone who says that people who don't believe there is a liberal media bias are stupid or ignorant. The film focuses on the so-called Independent Commission and the media's obsession with their case. quicktime trailer http://www.thehuntingofthepresident.com/qu...me300Kpage.html Great trailer by the way, how exciting!
  16. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 21, 2005 -> 06:43 PM) Yes, I remember. It was an unnamed source, who said that he had heard that this investigation was going to happen. So the source was reporting the information third hand already. Should have been checked out better. Meh, reporters now are just copying the Whitewater reporting idea that one or no sources are needed.
  17. I prefer the term cheeb over gange
  18. QUOTE(Spiff @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:42 AM) I'm not gonna tell you guys again to cut it out. There are people here who surf at work and school and posting pictures like that is not acceptable. Knock it off. People at work know not to click a link called cheerleader pics.
  19. KipWellsFan


    I was just wondering because I found on here that Matt Drudge of drudgereport.com donated to the Republican party and he's supposed to be a liberitarian? Wassupwitdat!?! http://www.newsmeat.com/media_political_do...Matt_Drudge.php
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