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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 9, 2005 -> 05:35 PM) Garcia really looked wild that inning on gameday. And what is this guy, ? A long debated smiley, usually illustrating something sneaky about your post. I think he's a ninja.
  2. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ May 9, 2005 -> 01:15 PM) Which is the way it should be done. Throwing bombs at America from a rogue nation like Cuba is about as un-American as it gets. Nice try, but that's not what I said. So typical of lefties... :headshake You don't have to be a lefty to make fun of your statement. And is there really any proof that they were doing anything in protest? I'm sure they've got a lot of fans in Cuba. But because they are under the rule of Castro they don't deserve to hear them?
  3. KipWellsFan


    QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ May 9, 2005 -> 01:19 PM) Is this movie set in Detroit by chance?? Los Angeles
  4. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ May 9, 2005 -> 11:35 AM) It's a simple concept: If you have a problem with someone, you confront them personally. You don't talk about them behind their backs like a coward. If Audioslave has a problem with U.S. policy, they should be protesting in Washington, not as guests of the anti-American government in Havana. Behind their backs? Going to Cuba is obviously a well publicized event, if anything it seems like they are sticking it to the man, like "in your face, we'll play in Cuba if we want damnit". Also while I'm not really a fan of the band the members have obviously been protesting through their music and other forms for years on American soil.
  5. KipWellsFan

    Damn Virus

    http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusin...s.aspx?ID=40790 There are some removal instructions here with the use of your virus program (I think). Not sure if it will help ya.
  6. I saw Kingdom of Heaven today with my mom and sister for Mother's Day. It was a pretty enjoyable movie with a very intriguing story. But it also sufferered from being an ordinary movie when comparing it to other epics. I also believed that while appropriate for the story the movie sufferered from a lack of an antagonist, and the movie ended in somewhat of an unresolved, unsatisfying manner. Of course the real story of Jerusalem and Israel lacks resolve, so I guess it's appropriate. 7/10 Kudos to Edward Norton's secret performance!
  7. HELLS YES! I'm half cut offa Colt .45. Sox Rule!
  8. What's the deal with travel from the US to Cuba is it banned or just frowned upon?
  9. Blow Jays would be the politically correct choice.
  10. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ May 6, 2005 -> 08:56 AM) Finally. Now they can go back to full coverage of the American Idol scandal. News Providers What about a pile that isn't steaming?
  11. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 5, 2005 -> 10:05 PM) I have a Wireless Setup here at home, with the router and modem downstairs and my computer here upstairs. I have tried Azereus but every time I try to connect it comes up with a NAT Error so I have to use BitTornado. Yah I got the NAT error until I got rid of my router.
  12. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ May 5, 2005 -> 10:08 PM) Wow I'm pretty impressed someone went through all that trouble to combine all the port forwarding instructions on one website like that. For BT, use a good client. Azureus is ok as is BitTornado and ABC I think is another one. Make sure you open up a range of ports and set that range of ports the same in your BT program. Without a router, you couldn't share your internet connection without doing some software tricks or buying more IP addresses. Don't routers do something to prevent people from hacking into your computer?
  13. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 5, 2005 -> 09:58 PM) Right now I'm downloading something with 4 peers and 4 seeds, with a download speed of 1-2KB/s. Yah that sounds very typical of when I still had my router hooked up. Do you use Azereus? And do you know what a router actually does?
  14. QUOTE(El Piervizdyeguchansodnik @ May 5, 2005 -> 09:18 PM) Normally you won't see speeds go up over an extra 100 kbps. The difference will be noticeable though. That website is confusing but really it's your best choice if you wanna figure it out. Right now without my router even connected I'm getting around 70 kb/s. But you're saying if my router was hooked up and I forwarded my ports (whatever that actually means) I'd get noticeably higher speeds?
  15. QUOTE(El Piervizdyeguchansodnik @ May 5, 2005 -> 09:06 PM) What exactly do you need to forward your ports for? bittorrent
  16. QUOTE(El Piervizdyeguchansodnik @ May 5, 2005 -> 08:29 PM) http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm Find the model number and maker of your router and follow the instructions. Everything should be gravy. I Yah I was on there but too impatient to figure it out. Instead I just unplugged my router and my speed went up, but not over 100 kb/s like some prophesize. What does a router do? Is it important? And if I have it configured properly would it be faster than without the router? F-Sakes this is complicated!
  17. Anyone know how to do this? I've been trying but it's been so frustrating.
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 5, 2005 -> 04:20 PM) God hates trees. And clean air. And water with too little arsenic in it. And protecting endangered animals.... Yup, that's what George Bush told me too.
  19. Bono originally endorsed Paul Martin and I'm happy Bono is trying to hold Martin to the standards he endorsed him on.
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