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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 14, 2005 -> 11:09 AM) You know, one of my cats has been acting strangely lately. But, since I refuse to kill him and analyze a sample of his brain tissue, I can't refute an accusation that he has Mad Cow Disease. :rolly Agreed tha the FDA may have screwed up, but since the CBC made the veiled accusation, the burden of proof is on them. So far, they've produced a ton of speculation but not one ounce of scientific evidence. This is nothing short of political payback. Okay, I can live with that answer. But I'm afraid the authorities will only do something once a few people drop dead, meanwhile Canadian cattle farmers are getting totally screwed for what is probably no reason.
  2. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 14, 2005 -> 10:54 AM) What a shock! More anti-American propaganda from CBC. I find it interesting there's absolutely no scientific basis for this accusation. :headshake BTW, nice job of creating an inaccurate thread title, KWF. There might be a place for you at the CBC when you're done with college. Scientific basis? The section of the brain that is usually infected was not tested? Video of cow f***ing seizing around. Poor thread title I agree
  3. http://www.baltimoresun.com/features/bal-t...ack=1&cset=true I'm not so concerned about him getting his unemployment benefits. What worries me is the conclusions the department of labour come to. Either there is more to this story than meets the eye or they are saying "Hey dumbass you work for a propaghanda factory, what did you expect? ".
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...sbse050413.html
  5. QUOTE(POTUSChris @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 05:47 PM) My House >=) ha....ha
  6. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 06:00 PM) I loatheeeeeeeeeeeeee diving into first. Completely unnecessary. EDIT There are debates about that in gamethreads every year. I and many scientists have come to the conclusion that it only has a use when the 1st basemen is pulled off the bag.
  7. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) I'd be spending money on Vaseline if it weren't for women!
  8. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 11:03 AM) Someone else brought up this argument and I disagree. My next-door-neighbor's dog makes a hell of a lot more noise than any cat I've heard. So, are we supposed to pass legislation that makes owners keep their dogs inside with the windows constantly shut? I'm not making an argument. Just saying that cats can be noisy as hell sometimes too, but dogs are far worse for noise at night.
  9. Interesting arguments. In my city it is just against the rules to let your cats roam around. I guess it was beginning to be a problem with cats killing birds all over the place and running around in people's yards constantly. You can actually get a cat trap and if you catch one can give it to the humane society, I think the owner gets fined or something. If you're cat is going to out and about it has to be on a leash like a dog. Frankly cats running around never bothered me but they're always getting hit by cars and people were obviously mad about it. P.S. There were 2 cats outside my window mating or fighting not sure which and it was so bloody loud one morning. Pissed me clean off.
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 08:21 AM) I'll be happy when they get the 6th season on TV, let alone worrying about a 7th season right now. Filming is supposed to start this month or next. I'll post if I hear anything else. I've also heard Furio is coming back this season. EDIT: Filming is to start in May
  11. Okay, okay, Borchard and Crede are not ugly.
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 01:40 AM) This is the media trying to make a big deal out of nothing. Agreed, unless you're a Dodger fan this means nothing. And even if I was I probably wouldn't care that much if at all.
  13. That's some good news. P.S. I appreciate the info you're giving BHAMBARONS. Can I call ya BB, or is there something else I could?
  14. Not exactly what you're looking for but nice nonetheless. http://photos.imageevent.com/dreamkast/mlbb/fed.soxpride.jpg
  15. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 02:58 PM) Is that the Jason Johnson whose with the Tigers? I'm assuming its a rehab start? Must be another Jason Johnson. From what I know he's 1-0 in the majors so far this year though.
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) Oh hell KWF, that was a joke. Thought it might have been.
  17. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 12, 2005 -> 07:42 AM) Question, just because I have no idea. Would the rest of Canada LET Quebec declare independance? Good question. Last time Quebec voted on sovereignty and just loss it was rumoured that Canadian forces might move in and stop it. But I'm not sure. And no this has nothing to do with Fox News, this is their own fault.
  18. What's with these boxscores? How hard is it to put in the innings pitched?
  19. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 11:30 PM) I've been told that the western provinces tend to be a bit more conservative than the eastern ones, so that's where I'm getting that from. That and the fact that a province with such strong ties to French culture would be more likely to adopt France's liberal policies. But I could be wrong about that. I can't imagine what Quebec delcaring independence from Canada would be like. At the very least, it would reflect rather poorly on the Canadian government. I would agree with all those points. The current scandal is making the Quebec situation much worse.
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