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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. "I vant to suck yo blood!"
  2. QUOTE(MoreCowbell @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 01:18 PM) EVERYBODY HIT THE PANIC BUTTON, WE WENT DOWN IN AN INNING 1-2-3
  3. http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,12...1453399,00.html Maybe some rest will calm his nerves.
  4. KipWellsFan

    Type of Car?

    QUOTE(flippedoutpunk @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 08:20 PM) I never got one from you I'm a liberal and all but wtf.
  5. KipWellsFan

    Type of Car?

    QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 08:17 PM) What role does he play? The guy that gets his ass chainsawed! By the way props on the Impreza, no wonder u get the hickies!
  6. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 05:56 PM) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he sucked in Tomb Raider No, no Tomb Raider sucked in Daniel Craig.
  7. There have been so many conflicting reports on who it's going to be, I wouldn't be so sure Craig is going to be Bond just yet.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) Here comes the big test, Travis Hafner. Warming UP!?! With all that blubber I'm sure he's already toasty.
  9. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:38 PM) Why let Gooch hit against Rhodes. Ozuna? Naw, you gotta give him his early season hacks.
  10. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:30 PM) 5 run rally coming up. Pod hits a GS, followed by a solo jack. Clearly not even possible.
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:18 PM) Rhodes in... what the hell happened? THE LEFTY VS. LEFTY STRATEGY!
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:13 PM) Then why ruin it for everyone else? No one is making you watch the Sox or post on a Sox board. Where's Vince when you need a positive message.
  13. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:04 PM) I've noticed that whenever they chant Paulie's name(any crowd at the cell) that he either grounds into a DP or pops it up. The best he does is get a sac fly. And no I'm not basing this off of this game as I got so bored, I changed it, but every single game I've seen and I hear the chant Paulie, he ends up F'n it up. My friends have noticed this too recently. Watch for it next time you go to a Sox game, he'll F up. I think I've only seen him be successful once with that chant. I'm pretty sure I remember him doing big things before with the chant going.
  14. Flippedoutpunk just admitted in the chat room to having ravaget TRU's gooch.
  15. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:37 PM) at least Maggs is 0 for 2 and has left three on base today. still looking for his first hit for his 15 million. Not so with Caballo 2 for 5, four rbis and his first home run with the Brew Crew. In case anybody is interested. Like I said in the chat, Caballo only got hits because he was hitting against the worst pitcher in the league.
  16. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) They did say the offense would be more consistent this season. Exactly now the pitchers know exactly what's needed of them.
  17. QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) Small ball is great but do we even have the players for small ball? For the last time Timo does not have small balls!
  18. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) I agree. It's much too early to be pushing any panic buttons. mmmmmmmmmmm panic buttons
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:04 PM) Does Pods bunt here? He might be.
  20. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 12:56 PM) How about hitting into a double play with runners at the corners and only 1 out? That just sucks.
  21. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 12:51 PM) Well, Crede has already choked with RISP in both of the first 2 games of the season. It's depressing. Failing to get a base hit in the 2nd inning is not choking.
  22. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 12:48 PM) BTW Did anyone else see that Maggs had to leave the game with a head injury? What happened? He started trying to figure out why more people liked Rowand than him, and sudden pains struck his brain like a cold dagger.
  23. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 08:48 AM) I realize this was meant as a joke but thats just too far for me. Pansy
  24. QUOTE(Spiff @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 10:34 AM) I feared that our plan might be too transparent for some, that they would see our real motivation, and damned if some people here aren't a little too smart for their own good. We really don't care about sig sizes, we just want to wrestle control of the boards away from Jason. This was just the first step in a plan for board (and possibly, world) domination, but now that Mr. El Pierzdyenikguchoatmealrasinsupercrunch has seen right through it, it doesn't matter anymore. Once we get everyone to make their sigs smaller, we can move on to Phase Two. I can't even begin to divulge the details of Phase Two, but rest assured there will be changes that will give you nightmares, or at least make you hungry. All of this while Jason is on a surprise trip to Europe. Oh yes, he has no idea Mr. El, and that's what makes it so delicious. Juicy!
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